Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Halloween!

Today is my favourite holiday! Halloween! Have to say, I am a bit gutted that South Africa does not embrace this holiday as it should with trick or treating and dress up! So, to try and bring a bit of the Halloween magic I decided that today would be arts and crafts with the kids! We made spiders out of old toilet roll holders, and pipe cleaners for the legs! It was hard work getting them all done but they look great! And I think the kids enjoyed making them as well, they all wanted to know if they could take them home. So, all in all, successful, even if they didnt understand what Halloween was, and even if I thought I was gonna have a stroke by the end of the day. Man they are hard work! Thankfully I seem to have them vaguely under control, although I think they have sussed by now that I can never punish them too much. I feel too bad! But I am getting better haha!

Me, looking like I want to kill myself at the end of the day haha

Today started off well, no Baby in bed so I slept soundly! And thanks to an early night I arose bright eyed and bushy tailed! I even slept through the storm that Ali said she feared would take a roof off. I swear, when I sleep, NOTHING can wake me. Once, I slept in till around 2pm at home and my Mum tidied my room, hoovered, and moved the bed around. I did not stir once, I woke up thinking I had been robbed, until I realised robbers would not have tidied. But you never know, they might have felt guilty and spruised the place up a bit haha.

So, it was my first morning back bottle feeding in the morning. Chloe still wont drink from me. I cant get her to even be interested when she realises I am not Donna. Anyone who says that animals dont think and feel like humans have clearly never met a bottle fed goat before, because she misses Donna and no one else will do! I will keep on persevering, but man, she is making it hard!

All the horses had to be dipped today because the ticks are out in force. Nibbling away at them like no bodies business. We were dipping Annie when she landed the most awful bite on Alis arm. It drew blood and everything ! She is turning into a right little madam! Hopefully she doesnt go all Marula on us.

Today in school we finished off the colouring from yesterday and started on the spiders, as I have said, they are hard work! I am excited for the new volunteer Edith to arrive on Thursday next week, because it is just a lot more relaxed and fun when you have two people there. And no one can have eyes in the back of their head, and damn, those kids know it! Haha. But tomorrow should be fine. I am going to take them to the river and the picnic site after break which is always a fun half day out for them. They love it down there.

One of the creations!

Today is town day, so straight after the kids we wizzed off to Lydenburg. I am sad to report that I bottled it and did not go into town in fancy dress. I think Ali was relieved, and when I got there, I think i was too. I think everyone would have thought I was absolutely mad. But still, it would have been fun. Little Marcus came with us as well as he has a school trip on Saturday and needed to get some new shoes, trousers and food for it. The boy now has a nice watch than me, and new converse shoes! Which are DEFINITELY nicer than mine! But, he works ever so hard so I am glad he is getting a day out. The poor boy has no parents and works every day of the holidays to support himself. He is really a sweet guy.

The wind is blowing terribly tonight, doors are banging, and it certainly feels like the Halloween ghosts are out! I am going to sit in and watch scary films tonight in celebration. And my god, tomorrow is November! We are tearing through this year. Where did 2O13 go again! Anyway, Happy Halloween everyone! Lekker Slaap! xxxxxx

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