Wednesday 2 October 2013

Art and Crafts Day!

Woke up today to the sound of Baby the cat howling in my ear. From the moment she wakes up (usually around 5am) she will not shut up. She will sit by your face and meow until you get up and feed her. If I didn’t love her so much I would throw her out (and trust me I am the only one who does, coz she is evil personified and will claw your eyes out coz she feels like it. If she was a human she would be Hitler) Anyhoo, the start of the day was the same as always, cornflakes and coffee on the veranda, then bottle feeding and beemering Manama. THE SUN HAS FINALLY RETURNED! I was deliriously excited about this! No longer do I have to dress for Siberian temperatures! The bikini is coming out ! And when I say bikini....I mean jodhpurs and a vest....I can't be wearing a bikini on a farm, dont be ridiculous. But I felt saying bikini had more of an impact on the kind of weather changes here. But, anyway, I'm rambling, I talk far too much about the weather on this blog. I am definitely British.

Today was our arts and crafts day at school. The kids loved making the flowers and the glitter pictures (I never want to see glitter ever again. We had six stations set up, glitter pictures, stencils, necklace making, paper cut out, magic crayon pictures, and flowers. I always find it funny when the boys seem to enjoy the more girly projects than the girls do. Oupa did so well with his glitter picture and was sooooo precise with it! Jane would not listen when I told her how to construct her flower, she basically had paper on a stick but she looked ever so proud, and it is often best not to argue with Jane, she can give a look that can curdle milk. I reckon one day she is going to be the leader of some kind of mafia hit squad, so I would prefer to stay in her good books haha. We also had a straggler today, Chris’s brother Liefie (pronounced like Leafy) just turned up to come to school. He is only three and looked like he had no idea what was going on, but he was a sweet boy and very bright, I mean, he flower was better than Janes haha. After break we also took them to do their hand prints on the volunteer wall of fame. I thought Aly might pass out from nerves when we were doing it, after the fiasco with my awful painting, I dont think she would have been able to take it if the hand prints had been messed up :p But, all went smoothly and the wall looks lovely now!

 patience and Thando showing off their flowers! Very proud!

 I turned around and found Chris and Liefie looking at me like this haha

 Look at that concentration!

 I made diss!

 Getting messy for the wall!

 Looking good!

put your hands where I can see them guys...

Oh my good god though, I didn't think school would recover from the arts and crafts. It literally looked like a bomb had hit it. I did my best at tidying up, but by that point I was ready to just accept the new lived in feeling....
In the afternoon I went on a run, purely on the basis that if I don’t get fitter, I will die trying to get to Klipspruit every day for school with the little ones. I think I lost about a stone in weight from the sweat alone, I looked like a running tomato. I am so glad that where I run is not used often by people. Plus, running is a bit of an overestimation of my abilities, more, a shuffling tomato. But running always sounds more impressive haha. Later on Wendy arrived for a trail ride with me, Aly, and Marcus, and we headed up into the mountains. It was such a beautiful trail with the sun setting behind the mountain and the view of the dam. Absolutely stunning! Sometimes I forget just how amazing this place is, but when I go on a ride here, it just makes me feel like some kind of woodland princess, or if I'm feeling geeky, I pretend we are the Fellowship of the Ring, hiking towards Mordor, which actually fit today since behind the mountain there was a big fire and smoke pluming up, so it did look a tad like the Mountain of Doom. God, I am so cool, why these Afrikaans farmers are not lining up outside the door for me and my hobbit ways, I do not know! In other news that clearly adds to my cool hipness, I have taken up knitting. Yes. Some people come to South Africa for the adrenaline sports, the quad biking, the sailing, the hiking, the safaris, but no, I have come to knit scarves! Actually it is really fun, I've been sitting at it for hours already and I think I am a little addicted!
 My position on the horse is getting better! From sack of potatoes to Frankie Dettori 

 On the road
Beautiful sunset ride <3

I get to skype with my best friend Kat tonight, one thing I will always miss being here, is my friends. I love them so much, and I do hope they appreciate the post cards I sent them. Although, by South African postal service standards, I will probably be home before they get there! Anyway, I am going to have a bath, skype, then continue my awesome knitting before another day starts. I don't know where the time goes here, one minute I am waking up, and the next it is bed time. Not nearly enough hours in the day! Lekker Slaap! xxxx

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