Friday 25 October 2013

Strays, braids, tears, and trails.

The sun is FINALLY out! The sun has returned to us!.....and it is off again. We are getting thunderstorms tomorrow and showers forever more according to Bing Weather. But at least it was lovely today! Not intensely hot, but after the cold we have had, I am grateful for anything at this point!

Socke, happy about the sun!

I have decided I must get back to my horse riding! With all the rain and drama I have barely done any in the last two weeks, so this morning after beemering Manama, I saddled up Duncan and went across the mountains and up through the dying forest. You can tell no one has ridden in forever because Duncan was putting in bucks and springs at every moment he could! It was so nice to be out again! I love morning rides, so peaceful and calm!

One of Alis returning guests is here this weekend, Bev, with her daughter Natasha who is seven. She is such a sweet girl and Bev is wonderful. Natasha came to school and hung out with our kids for the morning. She paid more attention than they did! The kids, especially Percy, loved having her there. They seemed to try more and it seemed to foster some good competition. Natasha is such a sweet girl! We continued our colouring from yesterday for our colour competition, and they are all taking it SOOO seriously! Charlotte is literally colouring every individual petal on her flowers in different colours, it actually looks better than my picture, but then again, I am artistically stunted haha. In the afternoon we took the kids to the river, and Natasha and Bev joined us with their little fluffy puppy called Dominoe. It was really chilled and lovely down there, except, despite the repeated conversations I have had with the kids about not getting their clothes wet, they all took their clothes off, and then subsequently decided to soak them and pretend to wash their mums are gonna be maaaad!

Mr peacock, flirting with Mrs peacock. Mrs peacock does not give a hoot....

After school I had my hair appointment at Corporasie, where half of our kids are from. Magdaline and Thandos mums set to work on my hair. I was worried I was going to look like a bald man, but I think it looks awesome! In my mind, it is the African Princess Leia version haha! But yeah, it was so quick and I love it! I am just sad that it will only last a couple of days!

In the process of greatness

"It better look good guys"

Me and my new braid. With Chris, percy, Thando, Magdaline, patience, Natasha, and Charlotte <3

In the afternoon, we were sorting out the animals, when a dog appeared. I don't know if any of you remember when I posted about the fire we had a few weeks ago, and the dog we rescued from being burnt alive. He was tied to a tree, covered in ticks, and awfully skinny. But he turned up! And he definitely remembered me. I brought him out some milk and biscuits, and from that moment on he was my best friend. It actually broke my heart. He wouldn't leave my side. And when Sophie, Ali's maid, whom the dog belongs to tried to take him home, he wouldn't go. I tried walking with her for a while to get him to come, but as soon as I turned round he just bolted after me. In the end, when i took Natasha for her pony ride up in the hills, walking beside her, the dog came with me and I was able to do a loop and drop by Sophie's house to return him. It really did break my heart. As soon as I turned to leave he ran after me again, so I had to get Sophie to hold him as I left. I couldnt even turn round to see him. He is soooo thin. I just wanted to bring him home, but oh well, there is nothing we can do. We just have to hope for the best.

My new friend <3

In the evening, Natasha wanted me to come round to the guest house and watch a film with her, so I took the film "Two bits and pepper" with me. She is such a sweetie, when the pony "Two bits" got shot she started crying into my jacket, and I had to assure her that he would be OK. She is so lovely, and even said I was a really good teacher. As a child, i am going to take that as a compliment, as she is probably around teachers all the time haha. She also asked me what grade in school I am. This is like the fourth time this has happened.I aint complaining!

But yes, it has been a really lovely day, and hopefully, as long as the rain holds out, it will be an even better weekend! Lekker Slaap everyone xxxxxxx

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