Wednesday 16 October 2013

Back to the Farm

Today was the first day back at the farm after Kruger. And it is back to the routine of the farm. It was actually really nice to be back, I even missed the early mornings, although we had those in Kruger too. I love sitting on the veranda drinking my coffee, watching the sun come up, knowing I am not about to get eaten by a lion or hyena.

I dont even think the kids noticed that I had been gone at all. But they did start asking about all the past volunteers, asking where they were, such as Natasha, Anouk, and Manuel. I think they must think that Alli has a secret stash of us in the house and she just brings us out randomly. They seemed rather surprised to know Natasha was at home, even though she hasnt been here for over six months haha. We did a lot of outdoor activities today since it was sooooo hot! Although, trying to get the kids to do skipping when the sweat is dripping off you seemed just as hard as trying to get them to concentrate inside! We went over the letter "b" today, and I am so happy with the kids progress. Some of the little ones are truly getting the hang of writing the letters without the dotted lines. And, their language skills are improving every day. I can say a relatively complex sentence and you can see the understanding on their faces. It is really wonderful, especially Oupa, who only joined us in July. When he arrived he was appallingly behind the other kids, even our three year olds. But now, he is talking in English, doing puzzles, and socialising with the other kids wonderfully! It is really nice to see him blossom, especially as he is going to the big school in January!

 Donna getting a makeover by her stylists

We all think Chris is going to become a hairdresser when he is older!

That is the other thing, I had a look and we only have seven weeks of school left before the Christmas holidays! Where has the time gone? If I hadn't of extended my VISA, tomorrow would have been my last day on the farm before getting the Bushveld taxi on the Friday to Johannesburg. It is really scary how fast these three months have gone by. It feels like yesterday when i was greeting Ali in the airport and drinking coffee with her as we discussed what the farm was like. Now, I am in a whole new family with a new life, and kids I am responsible for. It seems crazy that there is any other kind of life now. Have to say, there are gonna be A LOT of tears when i do leave. But, I still have another 1O5 days left, so I will put that to the back of my mind!

 Oupa, getting better every day!

Liesbeth and Sara messing around.

Ali went to get shavings today, and Donna and I tended to the farm. One of the baby triplet goats, named after the Welgemoed boys, is very weak. Little J.L is so weak that he can barely keep his head up or even walk. When we were watching him, he tried to get to his Mum but fell over and went right forward like a forward roll and crashed onto his neck. I almost had a heart attack, and it was so heart breaking to see that he didnt even have the energy to get himself up. So, the decision has been that he must come into the house and be on the Beemer and get bottle fed. The poor thing is in the dining room now, not moving a muscle !

And for patience's talent in her first pageant, she is going to do gymnastics 

Absolutely love this picture of Grace and Charlotte. Best buddies.

On a slightly lighter note, as Donna and Ali were looking up the right quantities of milk to give J.L they read "six weeks weaning time" on one of the sites. This is hilarious as Chloe is now over five months old and still being fed full cream bottles twice a day. GOATS CAN GET PREGNANT AT FIVE MONTHS! So, I think we all agree that it is just too weird for her to be bottle fed while feeding her own baby haha. Too weird! But she will stay on the bottle for a little longer, she still has time haha. Ali says Dougall the cow was bottle fed for a whole year as she couldn't bear to not let him have his milk! Honestly, this farm is a Paradise for animals! Ali often says she wished she could have the life of these animals for just one day, as they are pampered beyond measure!

Anyway, lovely to be back on the farm, and it is my favorite day, TOWN DAY, tomorrow! So off we shall go. Lekker Slaap everyone ! xxxx

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