Tuesday 22 October 2013

This is England.....I mean South Africa

I am so friggen cold. I am not a happy bunny let me tell you. It is making me so miserable! Mainly because I think I am used to being in England where I know it will last for months. It is crazy to imagine that in a week or two time we will be back to shorts and t shirts! But hey ho, we persevere! At least the sheep dont seem to mind the cold with their thick coats, that almost kill them when it gets hot!

Last night it rained so hard that it woke me up and the power went out for a few seconds as well. The storms here can be so bad, you cant take a bath or have the internet or power logged on while there is lightening or you may find your pc or yourself fried....

Despite the rain, we had petrol in the 4X4 ancient jeep today, so, apart from Oupa, Jane, and percy, we had a full house today, plus our new resident students Emma, Michael, and poppy, who turned up because the school bus wont come when it rains..... The little ones just cant walk the 1Ok to school and back, but on my run today I saw a whole load of them walking back, poor things. And some didnt even have shoes!

We are running through the days of the week with the kids every morning, and in the spirit of the upcoming festive season, we have begun rehearsing Christmas songs with them ! It is really weird to be singing "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells" in October! But, as I have said, there is only 32 days  of school left, so getting them to learn a new English song, we have to start early! God they were so cute today doing their "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" as well. They were just staring at us, trying to get the actions right <3

Also, I hate to sound like a weatherman, but even in the school it was cold. But we kept warm with colouring, puzzles, and education time. Liesbeth and Thando are getting so good at the alphabet. Which is great, as they are gonna be the leaders when Grace, Charlotte, Sara, Oupa, Chris, Maggie, and Magdelene go off to big school.

Later on in the day I went on my run, and we all got the horses in. And now, I am sitting waiting for pasta for tea. I am starving! Films and blankets. Lekker Slaap all xxxx

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