Friday 1 November 2013

Goodbye music player

I woke up this morning at 5am for my early morning run. It was really nice getting out early and going for a run. It was so beautiful and cool. It is always so relaxing and peaceful. I was jogging along and for some reason I got it into my head that I would be devastated if I ever broke my music player, and how my runs would never be the same. And it was as if I was conspired against. The moment I got home from my run, I dropped my music player down the toilet......It was the worst moment.....I immediately put it in a bag of rice as I have heard that is meant to absorb the moisture but alas, the music player has not resurrected. It has gone to silicon valley in the sky. It is kaput. I am heartbroken. Do you know how long it takes to build playlists and a music collection! AGES! I am absolutely gutted.
Thankfully, when it became apparent that it would not be rising from its ricey grave, Ali found me her old ipod for me to lend. It has some pretty good stuff on there, like Ecuador by Sash, so I was having a mini rave on the veranda earlier reminiscing.

Wish my camera did these clouds justice! They were so beautiful!

Anyway, Booboo had once again escaped from her stable and was running wild and free among the cabins this morning. I had to entice her with a carrot and march her back to her stable. She was not amused, and immediately tried to escape again before I closed her shutter and locked her in. Manama was absolutely plagued by flies today. I feel so bad for her. I so badly want to take her out riding but this wart of hers is just not budging!

We had a really relaxed day at school today. Well, I say relaxing, what I mean is, just a little less stressful than usual haha We stated off with exercises, and we played with the hula hoops and skipping ropes. I tried to teach the older girls how to spin the hoop on their arm. Grace managed to get it, but Charlotte and Liesbeth just kept on hitting themselves in the face with the hoop every time they tried! After we did the day of the week which they are getting so good at now. They know all the days and they know off by heart which are school days and which are weekends. I am very proud. I was also very impressed today with their language skills when i went through their letters. I am getting them in the habit of knowing what their name begins with. And I was so surprised when i asked Thando "what else begins with T". And they came up with "tongue", "teeth", and "tummy". I was so impressed with them! So very proud. Although I had a tough job explaining why "C" was for "Charlotte" but "C" was not for "Sharing".
We also went to the river today and they had such a lot of fun. I always love taking them there, they are so cute and they get so much enjoyment from going there!

Rosie and Uli, the orphaned twin baby goats. Soooo cute. 

In the afternoon, Ali and I decided we must go on a horse ride. And then Marcus decided he would take Marula. So we all saddled up and oh goodness, it was the most hilarious moment of my life. Ali could not get Mandla to move no matter what she did, and eventually had to get off and lead him. I was in absolute stitches laughing my head off, and whenever we tried to go a bit faster I just heard Ali behind me cursing him. Funny.

 Ali on her fiery steed haha

Marcus on Marula with the beautiful back drop of the mountains.

And finally, after Ali and I agreed that Chloe must be weaned if she is not going to take the bottle, I decided to try just one more time....and she actually took it ! I couldnt believe it. It was like she knew she was about to get weaned! So finally, princess Chloe has ended her hunger strike. Fingers crossed she is a bit easier from now on!

Lekker Slaap all. Hopefully tomorrow will be as beautiful as it was today <3

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