Sunday 20 October 2013

Wet days and Disney marathons

Baby JL in Donnas bed with surrogate Dad Jinx the cat <3

The weather has continued it is belligerent attack upon us. It has been a sorry weekend indeed. The engagement photo shoot has even had to be postponed until next week because of it.
I went to bed at the grand old time of 8pm last night, which technically made me think I would arise at 5am like a phoenix from the ashes, but nope, I got up just scraping 6 3Oam to the rain. How on earth can I go to bed at midnight some nights and be up at 5, and then go to bed at 8 and wake up like a zombie! This makes no sense!

The horses, goats, sheep, and pigeons were done in record time before we retreated back indoors to the warmth. Despite it being miserable, I absolutely love sitting on the veranda, overlooking the dam and the hills with coffee listening to the rain. I can spend hours out there, it is just so peaceful. Unless of course MJ the chicken just happens to be hiding behind your chair, and you just happen to have hot coffee, and it just happens that he decides to crow as you sit down, resulting in me spilling coffee all over myself. I have to say, I swore like a sailor when I got burnt. And now, my cream jodhpurs now look like Ive had a bit of an accident.... This was compounded by the fact that on leaving the feed room I also slipped in the wet mud and fell on my ass. Oh how Ali laughed haha. This was further made worse by the fact that after coming in and leaving my jacket on the bed for a total of five seconds, Baby the cat peed on it. So, I am now covered in mud, coffee, and cat pee. Thank god Sophie the maid returns tomorrow coz I don't think my clothes can take any more..... neither can I !

I managed to find a time in the day where the rain subsided a little bit to go on my run, then Donna and I watched Secreteriat. A Disney racehorse film about the greatest living racehorse of all time. I am not ashamed to say that I cried. I am ashamed to say that I was actually shouting at the TV for the horse to go faster in the last race.... I am a child. We followed up the horse movies with Seabiscuit. Also very good, now I just need to find Black Beauty and the Horse Whisperer and it will be horse overload ! I just need my own Seabiscuit (Manama) to recover so we can go careering over the hills too!

Donna is on top form at the minute and has made us another delicious soup. This evening we dined on broccoli, potato, and cheese soup. Ahhhh soooo good for cold days. It reminds me, I asked Ali the other week what South Africans do for Christmas dinner. After their delicious braais, I expected something amazing. I was very upset to find that, at Christmas it is so hot, that you cook your food the day before and you have a cold buffet for Christmas. This is possibly the most depressing thing I have ever heard. COLD BUFFET ON CHRISTMAS! WHAT IS THIS! haha. Maybe my Gran can send me another care package of a ready made Christmas dinner that I can warm up.....haha.
We had a return of one of the goats today. Jacque was given to two of the girls who come riding here as a pet to be used as a stud for them when they get some girl goats, but after five weeks away, the fit wasn't right and he is back! I dont what he wants to do more, cuddle his brother, fight his brother, or have sex with any girl goat he could find, although, I think he might be flexible on the girl part...

Anyway, so concludes another weekend at Lydenrust Guest Farm. Back to school tomorrow. I cant believe we only have 33 school days left before they break up for Christmas holidays! Crazy! Evening everyone, I am going to hibernate, we have 9O% chance of thunder storms tomorrow, and it is looking miserable for the next week, sigh.... Come back sun! I need you so I can get an awesome tan! So I can swim in the dam! So I can stop checking for frostbite! Lekker Slaap everyone! xxx

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