Monday 28 October 2013

Catch up

Well, I am a day behind on my blog at the minute so I am writing this Sunday post on Monday night. I am gonna be honest, yesterday could have been a hundred years ago at this rate because I can remember zero of anything haha. Give me a minute and I will try and rack my brain for what the heck happened. I know I must have gotten up...... and ermmmm. Christ, I have a terrible memory, you need to eat carrots to see in the dark, so what vegetable do I need to eat to remember what I did five minutes ago?

Well, I got up and headed out to do chores, beemering Manama etc. Then I took Duncan out on a ride and listened to music on the hills, I like to think that the surrounding farm animals really appreciated my rendition of “I want to break free”. Thankfully they cant disagree, so I am going to say they did haha. After the ride I had my shadow returned to me in the form of Natasha. She kept me company all day as I started the gargantuan task of cleaning out school. I am very proud. Not only is it completely swept out, spick and span, I have organised all the cupboards, puzzles, and papers. I almost dont want to let the kids in. They will ruin the beautiful organisation.....But, I am mega excited for Tuesday. As I mentioned yesterday, we have had loads of baby dolls donated to us, all with matching clothes for them to be dressed, and I just cant wait to see their faces when they see them. At the minute they have had to make do with really tiny dolls and Barbies, but now they have life sized baby dolls to look after, they even have a changing table for them. While, I was never a doll loving girl growing up, I was always a lot more into toy horses and Action Man, I am still excited to see their faces. So, school is all ready for Tuesday !

In the afternoon we had a relatively lazy afternoon, I went on my run, and thanks to this braid I have managed to fry my head. My scalp is burned to smithereens.... It hurts to touch, but alas, this is the price you pay for having a braid too bulky to wear a cap..... at least the braid is still in! Anyway, as I was saying, we had a lazy afternoon, either that or I just cant remember what we did.....this is the last time I let my blog fall behind! I DO remember Bev cooking us all the most amazing sausage sandwiches and lamb chops, and then some amazing carrot cakes. Carrot cake is my absolute favourite cake, but so often they disappoint me, it is a bit like cheesecake. They look amazing, but generally they are a bit rubbish. But! These were amaazzzzzzzing! If I could swim in these cakes I would. So, food wise, we were all very happy bunnies!

And, you know what? That is all folks! If anything else happened, it has gone into the oblivion, disappearing into the black abyss of my mind forever more. Now I need to write TODAYS blog.....what day is it again?

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