Saturday 19 October 2013

Spiders, witches, and pumpkin soup

Well, the cold weather is officially here. As I said to Johnnie today, “this is Africa, how the hell is it this cold!”. We are predicted another week of this cold snap before we get any sun or heat again! So it is a very sad Rosie at the minute!
The horses were put out and we all headed indoors to keep warm. Ali continued with her thank you cards and Santa Claus decorations, and I, in the spirit of the upcoming Halloween celebrations on the 31st decided to start making prototypes for the kids to do something arts and craftsy. They will have NO idea what Halloween is, and as Ali says, if you played Trick or Treat around here with a scary mask on, you would most likely get shot haha.
But, I am determined to bring Halloween here. I have a plan to make a big web in the classroom with grey wool and get the kids to make spiders out of empty toilet rolls and pipe cleaners! I dont want to blow my own trumpet, but I think my prototype Mr Spider turned out pretty awesomely! I think the kids will like it too. I also made a witch out of toilet roll, an old sock, and a stick for the broomstick. I would like to say that that was for the kids, but sadly it was just for my own enjoyment of making something silly..... But, for not having an artistic bone in my body, I am pretty proud of my creations! I think I might try and make a Werewolf and a vampire tomorrow and see how they go. I am the future Art Attack presenter!

 My awesome Witch, not bad!


My spidey!

We all feel very sorry for the current guests we have at the minute. They were at a wedding today at 3pm and as Ive said, it is the most miserable day ever. The wedding is up at the Cowshed, and apparently costs R6O,OOO just to hire the place for the day! I would be maaaaad if my wedding was on a day like today. Although, if I had R6O,OOO I would be going on a nice holiday instead! So, the poor guests and bride and groom had a nice cloudy, cold day to have their wedding on. Thankfully the rain has stayed away, although if it had been thundering and lightening, you could just pass it off in the wedding photos as like a Halloween themed set up. Lightening fork in the background? It would have been great! I should probably NOT go into wedding planning.
But the guests were all really nice and we did pony rides with their kids who were thrilled about meeting Booboo and getting a ride when they didn’t expect it. We even had a 14month old baby on who was held up by Mum and Dad. Cute.

In the afternoon me and Donna just snuggled down under blankets and watched Jersey Girl. Watching films is the only thing you can do in this weather! I think I might try and wrap up warm and go on a hike tomorrow though, I dont like feeling like I am wasting the weekend, and when you stay in all day it feels like time is stuck in glue! The Welgemoeds also came round this evening for Menes horse riding lesson. It was really great because she got a scare a month or two back on Ramon when he shot forward in the ring and at the picnic area, which has really knocked her confidence, but she did so well today! And she really did look excited to go on a ride, because for so long she has seemed so unconfident and needed to be persuaded, so it was really lovely to see her back on the horse and enjoying it! Unfortunately, Mandla was not in the mood for ring work though. If I left his side for even a second he just went on strike and stood there, refusing to move. He is soooo lazy at times!
After, we came in and had hot coffee and Johnnie decided to tell me that they are going to Spur tonight for dinner. I could have killed him! He knows I am on a diet, and he knows how much I love Spur! Their spare ribs are the best. But alas, after almost killing myself with food last week, it is probably for the best! It didn’t stop me from telling him to have a good time at Spur though, and that I hoped he chocked on the rib bone haha!

Donna made a beautiful pumpkin soup this evening which is just the thing in this cold weather! And that is all folks for Lydenrust News Update! I am going to snuggle up in more blankets and watch more films tonight and probably go hibernate in bed until the sun returns to us! Lekker Slaap all xxxx

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