Wednesday 30 October 2013


I dont know what it is, but I am feeling distinctly flat today. Maybe it is because Donna is gone. I dont know. But I am having one of those days where I just dont know what to do with myself and I cant seem to find the motivation to do anything!

This morning I stayed in bed until 5 4Oam but I tossed and turned from around 4am. Donna and Ali left really early so that Donna could catch the Bushveld taxi. The morning was uneventful and I was all ready for school in record time.

The kids were really good today, although of course, despite telling them that Donna was leaving, they all asked where she was and why she had left. It was quite sad actually. We did colouring, and then opened up a lot of the new puzzles that were donated. It was a very chilled day.

After, Ali, Simon, and I all went to collect shavings. Have to say, I do love manual labor. Something soothing about it. Although, this is coming from the girl who was complaining about having callouses on her hands the other day......And of course. Since I did not run today, there was no storms! In fact, barely a cloud in the sky. It was beautiful!

Chloe refused to drink off me tonight. As Donna is now gone, I am resuming bottle feeding duties, but I didnt anticipate one of the participants not playing ball. I cuddled her on my lap, I talked to her, but nope, she wasnt drinking! So, no bottle for Chloe tonight, hopefully she is hungry enough tomorrow to take it.

Tonight I am just getting my arts and crafts spiders finished off for the kids to make tomorrow as it is Halloween. They will have no idea what Halloween is, and I think I am going to have a hard job trying to explain it to them, but hey ho, I will give it a go!

Anyway, I am really tired, and I think it is clear from the writing quality that today is just not my day! Lekker Slaap everyone, I think a good nights sleep will fix me up right xxxxx

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