Wednesday 23 October 2013

"Act your age! You are a teacher!"

Last night we got a skype call from Uli, who is at her new farm, travelling round South Africa. It was sooooo good to hear her. I really do miss her and her being on the farm. I have never met someone so optimistic and beautiful in my whole life, she just lights up the room. Anyway, she was telling me and Ali all about her new farm and the animals. Now, Uli is German, so gets some words mixed up, such as, she calls "scratching" "crawling". And when she was running through the animals she said "and we have soooo many toti, they are almost 6Ocm long!". She MEANT tortoises, but at this point it important to say that toti is a South African slang word that means "penis". So, Ali roared with laughter. So, Uli has 6Ocm totis running around the whole wonder she is having fun! haha But yeah, it was so good  to hear from her!

Cold time fun!

Today we had picture day at school, where we gave all the kids a big bit of paper and they had to follow instructions of what to draw, in order or place they wanted. It was really good for them to independently think about the picture they were drawing. They are so used to colouring books, that when it comes to them figuring out what to do themselves, they struggle. But they did really well! All part of a kids imagination! Charlotte has some awesome hair at the minute. The girls always come in with crazy new hair does done by their mama. But I want to get Charlotte's mum to do mine like hers, it is friggen cool!

 Charlotte's awesome hair!

 Thando is so cute!
Strike a pose ladies!

Today was town day and we headed in, but not before stopping at Spur, the Lydenburg steak house for a drink and to see if we could talk to the manager. We really want to bring the kids here for lunch and so they can play in their awesome play area! These kids would never ever ever go to a place like Spur! So, we arrived, and wanted to be seated in the smoking area, but the waiter told us I could not go in, as they don't allow under 18s in there. At this point my South African Mum had to tell the manager that I was 23. The manager is 21...... But, I take it as a compliment! If I look under 18, then that is A OK with me! haha I have also been asked what grade I am in at school while I have been here, and that I look about ten years old by one of the four year old guests haha. Anyway! So, we talked to the 21 year old manager, Archie, and we organised with him that we are going to bring the kids into Spur on Monday for their treat! I am literally so excited about this! I cant wait to see their faces when they realise what is happening. So, mucho excited for Monday! Hopefully it does not rain.

Wearing odd socks. I am always so prepared....

While we were checking out the play area I decided to act my age, under 18 haha, and decided I must test all the play things. I had a great time on the slides and the climbing wall! I think it is very important that when the kids come here, I ensure it is all safe by repeatedly also going on the slides too, you know, for quality safety purposes of course......haha, in the words of Ali "Act your age, you're a teacher!" hahaha

In the evenings Donna and I watched the Hangover and I got myself a rotisserie chicken at pick and pay to have a meat feast tonight. So all in all, it has been a great day ! Lekker slaap everyone. Happy Rosie xx

Lydenrust is Gods chosen place!!!!!

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