Thursday 10 October 2013

"You is kind, You is smart, and You is important"

Hello! Today has been such a good day. For no huge reason other than how I happy I am to be here. Donna and I both rose, bright eyed and bushy tailed for our 5am bike ride. Yet again, neither of us brought a camera to take a picture of the sunrise! Dammit! But I promise a glorious picture tomorrow. I think starting the day with a cycle puts me in a great mood, no matter how the day goes, I have accomplished something! When we got back it was time for the babies to be fed and for jobs to be done. The goats have a new house now, after destroying their last one in the storm. They absolutely love it, even if it does have a slopping roof and they fall off.

 One of the new babies from the triplet brood!

 Kayla, playing king of the castle

poulos enjoying a biscuit. He followed me around for ages after I gave him it. I think he thought Christmas came early

 The winners of our colouring competition, Chris and Maggie. Look at those faces!


 "Let them eat cake"

Ali had loads of jobs today so Donna and I manned the farmed and fetched the kids. We had a colouring competition the other day and we picked the best ones this morning to win a small prize. We decided on Maggie and Chris, and it was one of the highlights of my time here seeing their faces when they realised they had been picked. Chris sat open mouth and clasped his hand to his face when he understood what just happened. They were so unbelievably proud when their pictures went on the wall, it was so, so, sooooo sweet.
Someone's mum had clearly been baking because as a healthy start to their day, they all had massive slices of cake to eat. They were so happy. And the cute thing is, they always share their food. If one comes in with no food, they are always so quick to share everything they have. My god it is hard to type when you have a cat on your chest, meowing in your face. I dare not move her or I will return looking like Scarface. So I will do my best to make sense as I type, but this is increasingly difficult as I cant see the screen. Anyway! I was with the little ones today for education time, where we really try and focus on the basics that they will need in school. Unfortunately, despite knowing the ABC song backwards, none of the little ones could even tell me what the letter 'A 'was. So, I decided to make it a project for them to absolutely know it. I went over 'A' about a million times, wrote it on the blackboard, came up with a dozen things it began with, said it a few more million times, when......

Me: “Percy, what letter is this?”
Percy : “Chicken?”

I had to basically chew my cheek to try not burst out laughing at that. It is moments like these where you really do need to laugh or you will cry haha. Also, when practising the letter A themselves, I was quite worried to see that their interpretation of A looks a lot like a mutant tadpole. But, there was light at the end of the tunnel, they all got better with practice, and Thando and Liesbeth's 'A's were actually pretty decent.
Cade the lamb paid us his daily visit to try and eat whatever educational pieces he could find, it is quite funny how scared the kids are of a lamb, although after the chunk he took out of Donna s thumb when she was trying to wrestle playdo out of his mouth, perhaps they are wiser than we are!
We had to cut school a little bit short today, a big storm is constantly threatening us at the minute, and it seems to be only a matter of time before our roads become the newest roller coaster slide in town!
After school we all had lunch and I went on a run, now, the direction I was running was quite bright and clear, and then a quiet song came on my ipod and all I heard was a tremendous crash of thunder, and right behind me it was all black, grey, and icky. A lot of people get killed in South Africa from the lightening, so I was a tad worried, but thankfully just as I was thinking of ways to avoid the lightening, such as hiding under a tree, Ali arrived.

Ali : “Get in or the yellow mongoose is gonna be soaked!”

Also, just so everyone knows, DO NOT hide under a tree if there is lightening. This apparently why most people end up dying. So, it is a good job Ali turned up or I could have been fried, that is, before I start frothing at the mouth from the rabies haha.

And so ends the day, I just want to be vain and brag about the tea I made tonight. Stuffed bell peppers with sweet potato fries.I am so proud of it, I feel like Nigella Lawson of South Africa. I am definitely getting a hang of this cooking business, and unless Donna and Ali are terrific actors, they seem to enjoy what I give them. I don't think they are lying. I mean, Ali didn't hold her tongue when she told me that I run in a very “amusing way” hahaha.

The peacock flirting with MJ

So, all in all, a great day, just for it being a day here ! One more day of school and then the awesome long weekend commences as well! Eeeeeeeeeee excitement city! But I am off to bath and watch a film now, and unwind from today. Lekker Slaap all! xxx

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