Tuesday 15 October 2013

Saturday, Catch up post!

Today is just a catch up post of Saturday since I have had zero time since then and now. I can barely remember what happened but I will try! We started the day with me thinking “oh yes, 6 3Oam, that’s fine, time for coffee” when someone knocked on my door. Jolene, one of the young girls who comes riding here was standing in front of me. I was so confused. I was still asleep and I think I freaked the poor girl out by just staring at her for a good 2minutes with an expression of “what?”. So, I hurried outside and helped get the horses ready for the trail ride. It was a beautiful morning and we all had a great canter along the side of the forest. Really lovely. Afterwards I joined the Welgemoeds for breakfast. Now, they are aware of how much I eat. Which is A LOT. And bless them, they brought so much food to share. I even posted a status on Facebook saying the other night that I had been craving doughnuts and Lindie brought me some! You know that “Make A Wish” foundation for kids? Well, that was pretty much me when she brought the box out. I am very easy to please and I was in heaven when that happened ! Anyway, finishing breakfast, JL came over and wanted to get the quad bikes out, Lindie told him that we needed to wait until everyone was finished. I of course was the only one still eating and he groaned, saying “but Rosie will have another ten plates yet” hahaha! Thankfully it was not ten plates later and we got the quad bikes up and running. I have to say, being beaten at races by a seven year old was not good for my ego. I drove as if I was on a mobility scooter..... But oh my god it was so much fun! Quad bikes are the way forward. I started off on little Mene's quad and was upgraded to a faster model. They all sat me on it and sent me off, but I turned the corner and had no where to go. I was just screaming “where do I turn! WHERE DO I TURN!”. Lindie and Johnnie were falling over with laughter. Man it was hot though. I thought I was gonna pass out. Lindie and I sat at the table just unable to talk until she said “I want to get a cool drink, but that means moving”. Haha, but such a good day! We spent the rest of the day just chillling and having a relaxing afternoon.. Donna and I watched Hidalgo when the heat got too much. I love that film! And we were both crying at the end, coz we are cool. In the evening we had a braai but unfortunately, all the food I had been eating came to bite me in the bum... I had one bite of Lindies beautiful creamy potatoes and had to go hang my head in a toilet. When I emerged from the bathroom I then needed to lie in the foetal position and hold my stomach. Lindie and Johnnie just told me that Ali would have no sympathy, so I merely groaned that they needed to tell her I was drunk. Sadlly she cottoned on and told me to suffer in silence. How we laughed haha anyway, I am really sorry guys but since I am writing this on Tuesday, I have no other memories! I just know it was an awesome, awesome day ! xxx

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