Thursday 3 October 2013

All the fun of the Farm

Hello all. Today has been a good day, woke up with a spring in my step, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and then Sansa and Socke (the baby goats) chewed through yet another pair of my headphones. I was just feeding Chloe and listening to a bit of Lady GaGa when they went screechy, now I know Lady GaGa is a bit eccentric with her singing but even I noticed when she started sounding like nails on a chalk board.
I took Duncan out on a morning ride round the dead forest that was taken out by the fire and we had last week for a bit of a look round at the damage. It is really weird, there are no leaves or grass, or even branches on the ground, it is just completely covered by black ash. Like black snow or something....eerie.
Its getting hotter, and Duncan took a nice dip in the dam when we were finished. I cant wait for Summer to finally be here so I can go swimming in the dam with the horses! Exciteedddd for that!

 Little buggers. It is as if butter wouldn't melt

 The dead forest 

 Chilling in the pool


Our new student Liefie had returned for another day of school, and still no parent or adults of his to explain him. In the end we found out he is the son of the manager at Forest Creek Lodge, and he is pretty well off. He certainly has a very nice car. But it is really unfair, Aly has parents begging everyday for their kids to come here, and he just dumps his without even asking! And what is scary is that Liefie is five years old and he couldn’t even do the easiest of puzzles, Patience who is still three was doing tougher things than him. Sometimes I wonder about how much of an impact this school is making educationally to them, but when I see kids like Liefie it is painfully obvious how under stimulated and under nurtured the rest of the kids in the valley are. I am so proud of our ones. I have very little patience, but they are all so wonderful that I can be as patient as a saint for them (even if I am pushed to those limits after twenty minutes of going over the letter J with Jane, constantly saying “This is J, J, J, J for Jane, J, J, J, J, JJJJJJJJ.....Jane what is this?” her rely? “Mam, pink?” AHHHHHHHHH!) Today we had a busy day, we played musical chairs with the kids and omg it was soo much fun, I think I got a bit too into it when I had to be told by Aly to maybe let the kids win.....Then we had puzzles and colouring. They were so sweet, as we had these brand new jumbo colouring books donated and often the kids will rush the colouring and make it into an absolute mess, but when I told them that if they did them well that they would be going up on my wall, they were so precise with everything. It really is adorable when they look at you with so much pride at precision crayoning haha.

Me and Sara :)

 Could not stop laughing at Thando when she took the wrapper off her bottle to use as what I can only assume goggles?

Mad as a hatter

It was town day today so of course Aly was on the verge of a coronary heart attack. But, I still managed to force food into her, despite the stress levels. I am her feeder at the minute and I am determined to get some weight on her! So I am being the epitome of a Stepford Housewife, preparing breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. She still groans when I bring her yet more chocolate biscuits to eat :p The guys at Alzu animal foods were there as usual, and I tried my hand at carrying the 60kg sacks of feed for the animals, and I like to think they were impressed when I could do it. I AM THE HULK! And if you will notice in the picture where I am standing next to a guy, this is the one who teases me and tells me I eat lekker ….. He is evil to me haha. Also, my shopping speed at Pick and Pay (the grocery store) is now a fine art. I can be in and out in less than twenty minutes, which is quite impressive considering our groceries for the week come to R1,500 (if you go over 1,500 you get free chocolate muhaha). Also! There was a man with a friggen parrot on hisshoulder today! It was awesome. Seriously, anything goes in SA. If this was England, he would probably have been escorted out for some reason. We are so boring in England! No parrots on shoulders anywhere! Also, it is kind of cute, all the kids walk around bare foot here, like around in the shops. I don't know why but it is kind of weirdly cool. Anyway, then it was back t the farm, a quick run, and rellllllaxxxxx.

Pulling my weight!

 Oh yeahhh

Parrot in the grocery store!

On a particuarly bad note, one of the staff, Little George's brother is badly ill. He cannot stand or even sit up. The ambulance was called at 12:30pm and it didn't even get there until 6:30pm! Aly said we should feel lucky it wasn't six days..... Absolutely ridiculous of them. When one of our little kids Sara's Mum had a baby last week, not only did it also take hours to get there, they demanded anything they fancied from her house before they would even help her, despite it being a breach birth. Truly appalling. This is South Africa I am afraid and the government has destroyed it. I just hope that the brother is OK. Although, it seems to be a common phrase around here that you go to hospital to die in most cases. So sad :(
UPDATE- Just had a text from Aly who went to the hospital to get George. The brother Patrick has died. I didn't even know him that well except for visiting, but this is truly horrible news :( Feeling exceptionally sad right now. All my thoughts go to George and his family. Sad day.

Rhino beetle

Lekker Slaap

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