Saturday 5 October 2013

Day at the Dam

Ahhhhh, such a lovely day. The sun was shining and I have had a very relaxing day of spring cleaning, running, and reading. Unfortunately Godfrey had once again gotten in the nursery, and Pierre was trying to rape Chloe and Kayla. It was absolute bedlam this morning I have to say. So, I have decided that all boy goats are evil and should be castrated or turned into goat meat skewers the moment they are born. So, I took on the role of body guard, I got myself a big stick and walloped any goat who tried to get my girls haha. I am the goat hero. Oh! And speaking of the goats, we had yet another new arrival this afternoon!. One of the dwarf goats had a baby boy, and since I am on a quest to name all the goats after Game of Thrones characters, I really want to call this new one Tyrion.....coz they are dwarf goats! GENIUS (only GOT geeks will get the genius of this idea, well its kind of genius, basically the character Tyrion is a dwarf man. Well, at least I make myself laugh.....). But ahhhhhh the goat is soooo cute. It has huge bat ears and looks like a Disney drawing of a goat, not a real one. It is horrible to imagine he is going to turn into his older brother (who also got chased when he tried to get Chloe) because right now he is adorable!
After my shift ended as official goat bouncer, I decided to make myself useful and so I spent the morning doing Spring cleaning. I generally don't clean as a rule, but every couple of weeks or so I will go on mad cleaning splurges, where everything is nice and neat and tidy. And I promise myself every time that I will KEEP everything like that, but alas, five minutes later it looks like a bomb has hit it once again. But hey, I tried!

The dwarf baby!

In the afternoon, the Welgemoed's came round for a visit and we all had an afternoon sitting by the dam drinking cold drinks and watching the kids and dogs swim. I would have gone in but it is still too cold for swimming! It was so lovely just sitting and talking and not having anything to worry about it. We are also trying to organise for them to come and spend the night here next weekend so we can go quad biking, then have a braai by the dam. I cant wait! However, next week, the dogs can stay in the house! They were such a nuisance, if it wasnt Harry drooling on everyone, it was Murphy hitting people with his sticks, or Charles wacking his tail in your face, or Justin ......being Justin haha. But ah it was mucho fun!

I really have very little else to say about today, it has just been one of those lazy days that we all need. R and R! Tomorrow we have the arrival of a new volunteer, exciting! and there are lots of jobs to be done, so it will be full speed ahead tomorrow. But right now I am going to spend the rest of today in utter zen relaxation. I will just leave you with the pictures of today and bid you all goodnight!

 Mene giving herself a facial

 Murphy catching water

 The terrors!


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