Monday 7 October 2013

Settling In.

Hello all! It is bloody cold today. The sky has been over cast and grey all day. But it always makes me feel good to know that as England is plunging into the depths of winter as we speak, with its six hours of daylight and minus degree temperatures, I will soon be wearing bikinis, swimming in the dam and having braais in the afternoon sun! I cant tell you how miserable it is in England in winter. .I mean it isnt great at the best of times, but when you wake in darkness, go to work, and leave in darkness, it makes you want to shoot yourself. Not that I am being melodramatic or anything.

Anyway, today was Donna's first full day on the farm, and she was reunited with her baby ChloĆ©. She definitely remembered Donna and it was so cute to see her cuddled up to her! As we entered the stable yard we were greeted with a free and wild BooBoo, who had used her new found freedom to get as far as the hay. Little piglet. Unfortunately for us, Godfrey, who is mad with sex hormones had ended up in the nursery again so we all had to scarper pretty quickly. I swear to god, if Godfrey was a human, he would be facing twenty five years in prison for battery, GBH, and sexual harassment. I reckon he would also be a skinhead biker as well. But anyhoooooo! We are a bit short staffed at the minute as Little George left for Hazyview today for his brothers funeral. It is so sad! and Simon had the day off, but hey ho, we managed. We girls don't need any man, we can handle ourselves.. Well, Donna and Ali can. I on the other hand scream at antiseptic spray, spiders, and DIY. But, if you have an issue with a fluffy rabbit, then I am your girl....unless it is a rabid bunny, in which All the kids were so excited to have Donna back and it was such a relief to be able to split the class and get things done in groups. It is so hard to keep the kids focus when there is only one of you. And no matter how many times I shout "quiet" in Zulu, they go back to talking five seconds later. Maybe they think if they arent looking at me, then I cant hear them haha. We had a session with playdo today and all the kids had great fun cutting out ice creams, and making biscuits and cakes, which I had to pretend to eat. And then Cade the lamb came to school and actually ate the playdo. I thought he was going to choke to death, so we were alll trying to wrestle it out of his mouth when he bit Donna really hard. Drew blood and everything, see, I'm telling you, rabid sheep, its the future.....

 BooBoo on the run. 


 picture perfect. Tammy in her "king of the castle spot!

 I reckon someone is getting help at home, but very happy with Maggis work!

 Hmmmm Magdaline with her ice cream

 Thando is sooo cute!

Break time naps 
Sadly, I have to update that I never made it to Klipspruit school. I had a serious talk with Ali and we agreed that the time would be better put towards our school and it is just too much to cycle there every day for just an hour with the kids. I feel really bad, but I am going to try and use the time towards some more arts and crafts and sports things for our kids. It does break my heart over those kids, but our school is the priority!

So, in the end,  it was a good day of settling in,  got my run in, which is always good with the cold and drank a lot of hot coffee. Come on sun, come back to us, we miss you! Also, I am so excited for the weekend! We have the Welgemoed's coming to stay for a couple of nights, and then on Sunday, Ali and I are heading to Marloff park for a couple of days...and they place we are staying at has a pool! Eeeee so excited!
But yes, nothing too dramatic happened today, but I hope you have enjoyed reading. I shall update you all tomorrow ! Lekker Slaap xxx

p.s the knitting is coming along wonderfully. Ali says I am ready for the next stage of knitting. Oh yeah!

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