Monday 21 October 2013

Rainy days and Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday Annie! She turned One year old today! We didnt have cake, but the horses got a TON of carrots in celebration!

Well I have heard of it snowing and getting a snow day, but this is the first time I have heard of it raining so much that school is off! Well, we had four students today, two of which are not even our own. Of our kids we had Grace and Syabonga, and we also had our guest stars Michael and Emma.

Me, slipping in the mud.....

The day went by SO fast! I dont even know where it went! One minute we were greeting them at the door, next minute it was time for home! Donna and I did a lot of one on one with them. I was with Michael and Syabonga, and my god, it is so scary to know that Michael is 7 and has been in the big school for over  a year, because I would put him, and 4 year old Syabonga, at the same level. I mean, apart from volunteer Uli, every volunteer of Ali's has been an ordinary person like me, and all of us collectively have done a better job at educating these kids than the actual teachers have!

It was a really good day at school though, I really did have a great time. Some days you can feel like beating your head against a brick wall, but you have so many days when the kids laugh, and you really feel like you are making a difference to them, and you can see the learning going in. We played a game where I laid out all the different coloured pencils on the table and held flash cards with a colour on it. When I showed the colour they had to find it as fast as possible and put it next to the card. It was really great because it was verbally and visually getting them to associate the colours, which really seemed to work!

At the end of the day we made little aeroplanes that they flew outside <3

After, we discovered that Ali is most definitely in the joys of spring cleaning and has decided to have a clear out. The house is already looking ship shape! But she has given everyone due orders that she is not to leave this house this week until it is spotless! We are going to be a tightly run ship now haha.

In the afternoon we lazed around and tended to the animals, poor Cricket the cat is covered in fleas, so while Donna held him down I tried to dowse him in flea powder, unfortunately most of it ended on Donna.....But we succeeded in the end! poor thing, he is riddled! After, we headed over to the Treasured Volunteer Wall and did Donnas handprint on the wall, It is looking really good now, with the kids and volunteers hand prints up! I will take a picture tomorrow! In the evening Donna and I watched "Its a guy thing" before muching on jacket potatoes with beans and Chakalaka sauce. To those not from South Africa, Chakalaka is the most amazing spicy tinned sauce there is! I am going to have to put some in my suitcase when I return because it is awesome! I was very devastated as well, because this afternoon I heard Ali say she was cooking noodles this evening, so I was wandering along thinking we were having stir fry, when I found out the devastating news that she was boiling needles, not noodles......I was inconsolable, but the Chakalaka sauce helped I have to say!

Anyway guys, another day in paradise done and dusted. Early to bed, early to rise! Night night everyone! xxxx

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