Friday 18 October 2013

I am running out of titles, so here we go!

Today started off with Baby the cat yowling in my ear and licking my face. I got up, let the little bugger out and started getting ready for the day. She always wakes me up at 5 so I had no reason to think this was any different. I was very upset when I realised I was fully dressed and ready to go at 3am...... She then visited me again at 4am to let her back in my room. I could have killed her.

Jane and Charlotte. Winners of our weekly coloring competition! Loving Charlotte's pose !

Ali and I havent done a trail in absolutely ages it seems, so we saddled Maverick and Danny up and took them out on a ride. At the end we tried some jumping in the arena. Well, I say jumping, what Danny and I did was more stepping cautiously over obstacles. No matter how hard I pushed him he would always grind to a halt and step over! I love jumping so I am definitely going to have to do more of that this Summer!
Baby JL the goat is still very sick. He has no energy whatsoever, and can barely keep his head up. He tries to walk and he just falls in a heap on the floor, and today he seems to be getting worse and is hardly taking any liquid in at all. Ali and Donna are trying as I type to get him to, hopefully he will catch onto it and take to the bottle soon. As he is so weak, we brought him to school with us and he slept in his little box in the classroom. The kids are really quite good when it comes to real situations when they need to be quiet, and it was cute to see them telling each other to shush because the baby goat was sleeping.
Today was Friday chaos with arts and crafts, we had them decorating cardboard hands and feet with ribbon and paper. They absolutely love cutting and sticking! We had quite a few successes, artistically with the kids, but some just were not getting it, such as patience who just sat laughing. In the end I had to sit right next to her and explain everything before she got into it.
In the afternoon I ran and made lunch as Ali made "thank you" cards for all our sponsors and those who have donated things to the school with Grace. They look really cute. She made Graces hand the stalks of a plant, and her thumb prints as the flowers around it. Really nice idea!

 Absolute chaos

Happy Sara <3

A proud Syabonga!

Oupa with his fabulous creations

I almost had a panic attack today as the bike I always use was gone from the veranda, so I was in a frantic panic thinking I was going to have to tell Ali that the bike had been stolen when I found it in the shed. Apparently one of the guys used it earlier to close the gates for the horses up the hill. In just one ride with the bike, they have adjusted the seat so it is only just low enough for me to touch the ground, broken the brakes, and the chain had come off ! What these guys did with it I do not know! But I fixed it up with Salans help and went out on a cycle before the storm came in. I had my ipod going so of course I never heard the thunder until Ali came along in the bakkie and followed me back to the farm behind me. It was like having a personal coach with me who encouraged me to go faster haha.

Grace, hard at work on the thank you cards! 

But, all in all, I dont really have much else to report! Just an average day on the farm today, so I shall bid you goodnight, I am off to watch a film, and I shall post tomorrow. Lekker Slaap xxx

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