Sunday 27 October 2013

The English Muffin.

This morning the sun was out and I was woken by Baby biting my thumb and licking my face as the usual morning routine goes, until I finally snap and throw her out of the room. She was not happy, but then again, that cat never is. And today she would NOT shut up, I was literally ready to boil her. Or remove her voice box.

Cricket, in his favourite place.....under the wheel of our school bus!

I took Duncan out for an early ride this morning, all was going well, until we turned into the field leading to the burned forest. And both of us saw the grey stallion at the same time. He came HURTLING towards us at break neck speed, and no matter how much I tried, the donkey I was riding would not move. The grey is a viscous little bugger! He kept spinning round to kick at us, one kick landed on my foot, and Duncan took the other. I almost came off twice. If it wasnt for George coming out of his house to shoo the horse away, I am worried about what would have happened. Thank god for riding boots and their sturdy make, or I would have had a broken foot, that would have made the rest of my time here interesting haha.

After the drama with the stallion, it was untacking and straight into a riding lesson for Natasha, one of the guests daughters, on Mandla in the ring. Mandla is ridiculously lazy so I have to walk and trot beside him to keep him going or he just goes on strike and starts eating grass. Seabiscuit he is not.... Natasha did really well considering she hasn't been riding for months, but unfortunately owes Ali a lot of money as we decided early on that it was 5Ocents for every time Ali said she had to keep her heels down haha.

Natasha riding Ramon <3

After this Natasha invited me to go watch Easy Virtue with her at her house, while her Mum went to town. I slouched out and watched until we had to head over to the main house because Dean and Claire from Johanesburg had arrived with all the new Christmas donations again! I cant believe it is only 8 weeks until Christmas. It is crazy how fast this year has gone by. I need Bernard s Watch so I can slow down time! So, after unloading all the donations from various supporters around the world, we set to work sorting through everything, organizing into Christmas boxes for the kids, and stuff that could go straight into school. There was some absolutely beautiful things. Wonderful toys, puzzles, games, crafts, clothes, and some beautiful dolls donated by Alis sister pat. She rang us, insisting we release the dolls from their coffins immediately and let them breathe! Haha, she also donated a ton of beautiful baby doll clothes. I cant wait for the kids to see the dolls. They wont be able to believe their eyes. Although, I have a sneaky suspicion, that a lot of the boys are going to be more excited than the girls about them haha.

 All the donations! 

 Thank you!

 Lots of new shiny toys!

Thank you Nichole!

During the unpacking, Natasha asked how old I was. She went "Rosie, hooooow old are yoooou"
Me "23"
Natasha "whaaaaaaat. You look like 11!".
Well, it is good to know that I most definitely look young haha. She has also decided that my new nickname is The English Muffin. I have no idea, but it is rather unusual to get such an affectionate nickname from a seven year old. Kind of like me calling them a munchkin. Only I am 23 haha.

After lunch, we had our photoshoot from the couple who are making wedding invitation photos of them posing in 9 different locations and themes. Today was the 6Os, with them in hippie clothing hanging out with the horses. It was cool to see the shoot, but if you read my blog, my view on romance is that of a stoic war veteran. Essentially, got yourself a dog.
But, they seemed to enjoy themselves immensely. Tomorrow they are doing the 5Os down by the dam in swimsuits, I do believe to copy a scene from the Notebook. Fingers crossed the weather holds out and it doesn't rain, or they will be recreating the scene from Titanic.

 The photographer getting checked out by Maverick....

Hippies on the move!

In the evening, Bev, Natasha's Mum made Donna and I a beautiful dinner of burgers, salad, veggies, and garlic bread. It was soooooo good, and after living off scrambled eggs on toast it was heaven. I am having serious sweet cravings at this moment. I desperately want a massive pizza and a tub of ice cream. Sadly, if I want ice cream, i will have to go find a cow and milk it myself for that haha. And I haven't QUITE reached that level of desperation yet, but I will keep you posted.....

My delicate lady hands are growing callous over working at a farm.... need to toughen up

Lekker Slaap everyone!

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