Thursday 24 October 2013

RIP to the Mum of Rosie of Uli

We have had a death at Lydenrust. The baby goats, Rosie and Ulis Mum was found dead. She was lying in the goat house in a strange position, just gone! It was so sad, Rosie and Uli were still snuggled round her. The babies are only three weeks old still. We were all so confused as to how she could possibly of died so suddenly and so young. But the mystery was solved when we spoke to Marcus who said that yesterday she had broken into the food room and had subsequently eaten herself to death. It is so sad, such a preventable death. So very sad. But now, we have two orphan baby goats to look after. Rosie is taking relatively well for the situation, but Uli is refusing food left, right, and centre. It is going to be a struggle to get them to take to the bottle. Thankfully we have our resident experienced goat carer Donna here. She is really fantastic with them and I am relieved she is here for another week, because she seems to have a magic touch with the goats. If anyone can get those goats to drink, it is her!

But yes, really sad news on the farm, it is always distressing when an animal dies. I was on the verge of tears when I saw the mum in the box. It was horrible!
In other news, not as sad, but definitely not great news, Manama's growth is really causing her a lot of pain at the minute. I am beemering every morning and evening, but the thing is just not coming off. This is 3 months she had not been ridden because of it. I hope it comes off soon. I just want it to come off!

Today, the kids were all playing at being daredevils. We have paving going down and the compost is down at the minute, so the ground is really soft. So, they were all tearing towards it on the motorbikes and throwing themselves off in different gymnastic poses. Percy literally threw the motorbike over his head and I thought he had broke something but he just got up laughing his head off. He is now known as Mad Max Percy to his friends.

I have a hair appointment tomorrow at Magdelenes house for her Mum, prisca, to braid my hair. I am verrry excited. Although I have told one of my friends back home, he just told me it was going to look awful. I respectfully disagree. It is going to look awesome....I hope ......God I hope. Or I am just gonna look like a weird ass white girl.....

All in all, today has been a good, but sad day. Hopefully the babies will be OK. And tomorrow will be brighter! Lekker Slaap everyone xxxx

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