Sunday 6 October 2013

Welcome back to Donna!

Hello all, apologies for this being late! But our new volunteer Donna arrived tonight so we have been spending the evening having dinner and reminiscing over her last visit here. Donna is returning for her second stay at the farm after spending six weeks here a few months ago! So I think she is pretty excited to be reunited with the animals tomorrow, she already has Jinx, her bed time sleeping pal back ! Ali treated us to her finest cooking tonight, and when I say this, I mean she bought us pizza from the takeaway in town, but damn it is the best dish she has made so far!. I ate too much and I think my stomach is going to burst from so much pizza. I havent had sugar or sweeties for six weeks now and I think the BBQ chicken has pushed me over the edge. Sadly I am not getting any sympathy for this and no one has offered to rub my tummy.....outrage.

"They are eating my food I tell you"

It was sooooo hot today! I rode Mr Bones and went on my run early on because once that heat wave hit I was out for the count. I spent most of the day by the dam knitting and listening to music and watching movies. I tidied school to prepare for another school week beginning and made everything pretty. I start at Klipsruit Combined school tomorrow, Christ knows how I am going to handle cycling there and back in the mid day heat, on the plus side, I am going to have legs like Lance Armstrong. Although, he was recently busted for performance enhancing drug taking.....and I dont know the names of any other famous cyclists, so we will settle with the notion that my legs are going to be damn toned by the end of this term. Which is good, coz when I die of heat stroke I will still look good at the wake in my open casket. Fingers crossed I can communicate with the kids and make some kind of a difference to their day!

Jinx, chilling with me in the shade. 

Today we also had a couple come visit to take a look at the farm for their engagement pictures to be taken here. They are doing nine different themes, in nine different locations including Kruger Park. If I had that kind of money I would be putting it towards open bar at the wedding. But this is probably because I dont have a romantic bone in my body and this appeals to my alcoholic tendencies haha. I am literally like that old Gran at christmas who hogs the whiskey and complains about "this love nonsense" and if you want a real commitment, get a dog, or invest in a safe return stock company. Anyway, they are planning on doing a 50/60's theme here in authentic swimsuits in the dam with the horses. I am not sure when anyone in the 50/60's did this but it should be a fun day to watch them shooting it when they come out in a few weeks !

The baby goats are so friggen cute! I spent lunch time with them just sitting in the pen watching them and oh my gosh, the way they jump around and frolic is so sweet! I want them to stay like babies forever. This afternoon I had a wonderful phonecall with our old volunteer Uli who is still travelling around South Africa. We all miss her so much and I truly wish she was still here. We have decided that the two new baby girl goats who were born yesterday are going to be named Rosie and Uli. Uli says this fits because we are like sisters now <3 Broke my heart a little but damn, Rosie and Uli are great names haha. As Donna has arrived bottle feeding duties will be passed over to her since Chloe is her baby. When Chloe's leg was smashed by Marula, even the vet thought the leg was going to have to be amputated, or worse for Chloe to be put down, but Donna stayed up every night with her and coaxed her through it and miraculously you wouldnt even guess now that she had ever been ill. I am excited to see Chloe's reaction tomorrow when Donna goes to see her !

 Tyrion the baby dwarf goat!

 Uli the goat! So cute!

 Rosie the goat. She even has my ginger hair!

 Uli and Rosie with their Mum, enjoying a bit of vegetation. 

Socke <3

All in all, this has been the perfect lazy weekend to recharge my batteries for the coming weeks. Welcome back Donna! And good night to you all. I am sure tomorrow will be far more chaotic than I can imagine. Please pray for me that I survive!

Lekker Slaap xxx

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