Saturday 12 October 2013

The Lost day.

Hey, I am sorry everyone for having no blog up yesterday! It was such a busy day that there was just no time at the end of the day to write something up! Started the day with my cycle, and saw a deer. I think it has a specific name that is not a deer, but I am also too tired tonight to even try and google it. That is the extent of my laziness today! After the cycle it was a regular day of morning chores. The school trip to get the kids was interesting though. Last night we had a huge storm. It was lightening and thundering for around four hours. The electricity cut out about five times, leaving us in complete darkness. It was incredible. But it left us in a lot of mud and several fallen trees in the path. .Thankfully Ali drives a forty year old Land Rover which looks like it used to be used in wars as a tank, so it got through fine...even if it is losing most of its windows haha.

Getting a makeover in the car.

School was fun, we did painting today and the kids seem to really enjoy it. Although they dont seem to grasp the concept of not mixing colours, so all the colours end up black. Apart from Charlotte who is sooo specific with it, She must have spent around an hour and a half on her picture making it perfect, and always in the lines! Her picture is definitely going up on the wall! But yes. All the drama started after school, firstly, I got locked in school as Donna went to see baby Rosie the goat and accidentally took the keys. And then I locked myself in. And I needed the toilet. Waiting for the keys to be returned was possible the longest ten minutes I have had to wait in my whole life. I think I amused the farm workers Salan and George with my graceful duck waddle to the toilet.,...

Then after school it was chillout and wait for the Welgemoed's to get here for their weekend here. Ahhhh it was awesome. We had a boerwors braai. Which was amazing. Sadly we had to wait until late to eat because the braai just wanted generating enough heat. We all kept saying to him "just stick it in the oven, it will be fine man" and he would refuse, until at last he stormed inside with his sausages. Ali informed me that for a Boer to not succeed braaing, was the biggest humiliation there was. Ah it was so funny. But I have to say, even his "failed" braai tasted better than any sausage sandwich I've ever made! We sat up chatting till late. It is weird, I actually lose track of what I do so fast. I am sitting here on Saturday night, trying to remember what the heck happened on Friday.  Crazy. Oh! I do remember that when the Welgemoed's came over, they brought their three great dane puppies with them, and one, Winston, was being given to the couple who are staying in the cottage here as well. The couple were beyond ecstatic to get their puppy, it was really cute.

 Yes, this is a bike

And now ive lost track completely of what happened on Friday......But I do know it was awesome! This is why I must write the blog that day, or my memory goes to nothing! Sorry guys!

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