Monday 25 November 2013

"Mam, Chris, kick goat!"

Ahhhh! I have had the worst headache today! It was horrible! probably from pepsi max deprivation, but it didnt go away until around 4pm today. I spent most of the afternoon asleep to try and shake it off. Thankfully it has gone back to wherever it came from and I am free of its painful horribleness!

We had a good day at school, except for my headache, which just left me rubbing my head all day. The highlight was probably when Oupa came down to the staff table at break. I had my head on the desk, trying to block out the light and he just went "mam, mam" and I just grunted "what Oupa". And he replied with "Mam, mam, Chris, kick goat". I couldnt help but laugh. I had to tell Chris off but it did amuse me I have to say.

Oh, and I must apologise for calling the jeep "Blow Bull", I have been in big trouble with Danie, I have been told that the car does not blow anything and that it is either "Blue Bull" or "Blou Bul" So, to the Afrikaans rugby fans, I am very sorry for not getting the right spelling..... I AM SORRY! This reminds me of when I took a picture of the pigeons and said they were Danies racing pigeons, he was very mad. And he took me out the next day and said they were Alis fat pigeons who cant even walk, never mind fly hahaha ah so funny.

So, all in all that is all we have to say at the minute. Mainly coz I slept the whole day haha. But tomorrow shall be more exciting I am sure!

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