Wednesday 27 November 2013

Lydenrust Rehab

I have officially turned Lydenrust into my personal rehab centre and given up smoking. I have only been a smoker this time round for 6months, thanks to the stress of finishing my degree made me start again after being smoke free for over two years. Now, I realise why I always told myself that I would never quit....because it is SO hard. I am up and down as often as a rollercoaster. It is not the best feeling. I am up to 3O hours no smoking, and I am just at the stage where I feel like I want to kill all living things.

I think Ali may have sensed this when she sent me to go work with Salan and the pigeons today for a couple of hours instead of school, I think he reckoned the pressure of screaming kids might be just a tad too much for me at this stage....she may have been right. But, I did enjoy the methodical task of writing the pigeon numbers down and counting them up. It was quite soothing in a way haha. Next we headed into town to do our grocery shopping. I am very proud of myself, I didnt buy any cigarettes, even though I could have. All power to me!

Also, apologies for no blog yesterday, I was in full on quit mode and all I would have written would have been "I want nicotine, I want nicotine". But, at least I am here, so the only way I can cheat if if I start trying to smoke the leaves or something. All I can say is that this feeling better go away soon!

In the actual news of the farm, I have very little to update you all on, except that we have just TWO days of school left in the year before the Xmas holidays! I cant believe it! We have a treasure hunt planned for Friday where we take pictures of different places on the farm and they follow the picture to the next clue until they finally reach the picnic site and a cake is waiting for them. It should be a really fun day ! We are also going for a leavers field trip on Wednesday. But, man, I am going to miss them! I dont know what I am going to do without them. They drive me crazy, but they are my kids, I actually love all of them, it is going to be so strange not to teach them every day, and it is going to be really emotional saying goodbye to Grace, Sara, Charlotte, Maggi, Chris, Oupa, and Magdaline. Now that will be hard....

We also had an issue with one of the baby goats. Dion, from the twins Joy and Dion, was behaving vry strangely, so we brought him into the house last night to beemer and look after, Ali even gave him a penicillin injection and he didnt move a muscle, even though usually they scream. We thought it was so strange, but today he seemed as happy as larry. Very peculiar! All we can assume is, is that the shot and the beemer did the trick, and he is back with his mummy today!

Anyway, I am gonna go to bed and try and get some sleep. Tomorrow, according to my reading, all the nicotine will be officially out of my body. Oh goody! haha! Lekker Slaap all. pray for me, I am going to need to it. xxxxx

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