Saturday 30 November 2013

Busy busy busy

Ohhhhhh, what a busy day! I am in full scale farm mode and I have been on a mission. I went on a ride this morning with Edith on Blue and Danny. Ahhh, Blue is so much fun to ride, I was having a ball tearing around the countryside on him this morning! It was so much fun! And it was so beautiful today! We had 94% chance of thunder storms, but quite frankly, the weather man lies through his teeth, because it has been sunny and beautiful all day ! Then it was a dog walk round the forest, then another ride with Ramon and Scotty, doing a bit f road work with them to get them fit for pony camp!

Then it was lunch, and a run for me, where I realised that this mornings excursions have left me horribly sunburnt....oh the pain! I have afterunned myself up to my eyeballs to try and stop the inevitable red, then peel, then white, viscious circle! Urg it is horrible. And then of course, since it is the weekend, we had absolutely no staff to help, so Ali, Edith and I had to run round and get all the animals done by ourselves. This is why we all dread month end! Everyone is drunk and no one comes to work!

But after all this, I am exhausted and i want a nice early night to recharge my muscles to do it all again tomorrow! Oh! And it is actually December tomorrow! Christmas is almost on top of us as we speak! We are all off to do our Christmas shopping on Monday in Nelspruit, as it is the only day we can organise to be off the farm to get it done. Very excited! And, tomorrow, we will have the pictures up again! New month, and new internet! Hurrah! Lekker Slaap all, I am knackered! xxxx

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