Sunday 10 November 2013

Snow day!

OK, so yesterday we had a major heat wave where we swam with the horses and I spent most of the day in my bikini, and today......we had snow! A HUGE storm built up, and at 5pm it just hit. It was insane, the hail came down soooo hard, the wind was terrible, and in among it all there was thunder and lightening. It was so loud that when me, Ali and Edith tried to talk to eachother, we had to shout! Absolutely insane that the weather can change so drastically! Oh, and due to the storm we had zero power, all the lights went out and we were plunged into darkness for a few hours until Ali came through and switched the lights on....turns out Edith and I had been sitting in darkness for a good half an hour longer than we needed to haha.

Anyway, today was alright, up until our storm hit it was overcast, cloudy and cool all day. But it was a nice temperature for riding and running. Our ride out this morning was lovely, although, man those horses are lazy! I am trying to ride Danny every day in the hopes that maybe if I get him fitter that he will be more excited and I wont have to ride him so hard. I mean, I literally have to kick him for every stride of canter to keep him going or he returns to his regular plod. But! He is just being a little bugger, because as soon as we are going in the direction of home, suddenly he turns into Seabiscuit and just magically comes up with the energy to put one foot in front of the other. Ali was going to come with us on our ride with Charlie, but unfortunately Charlie had his one ideas. Was that horse going to leave the stable? no he was not. The seven horsemen of the apocalypse couldnt have gotten that horse to go where he didnt want to. In the end we had to leave Ali behind because there is no point in arguing with a horse that is in that kind of a mood.

The rest f the day I ran and sat and watched 9O21O on my laptop.....Coz I spend my Sundays in such a cool way ! That is all folks, chilled day at the farm I have to say. Lekker Slaap xxxx

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