Friday 8 November 2013

Edith's first day on the farm, and my 1OOth day on the farm!

I have been at Lydenrust farm for 1OO days now! It is crazy how time flies, I really cant believe it! Today Edith joined us after her last night with her family before they headed off to Kruger park. Her whole family are lovely as well as she is! She has been really helpful and lovely, even though it must be overwhelming for her to be here, just as it was for me on my first day ! We had a hectic morning with the farrier this morning before going over to school, have to say, I am so glad it is Friday! I even pulled the line from the Hangover when Percy asked me something when it was home time, “It is the weekend now, you do not exist any more”. Haha, I love those kids to death but man am I glad it is Friday! We went down to the river today with the kids since it was so hot, but it was cut short by the horses interrupting and deciding that it was their river and they weren't going to move for love nor money, and especially not for a three year old patience, who I had to swipe out of the way of Ramon's feet before being trampled to death.
Ali has been so busy today, we have had to change over all the houses for a party of guests numbering 21 who are here for a wedding at the Cowshed this weekend. I am very upset about this as it is a well known fact that if there is a wedding at the Cowshed, then it is going to chuck it down with rain the whole time haha. Anyway, as Ali was so busy, I finally managed to persuade her that I am a responsible young woman who could go to town for her in the car and do the shopping so she didn't have to. First thing that blumen happened when I got to town was I forgot where Otees was. I was determined not to phone for help about this as I am a strong, independent woman who should be able to find the wholesalers …... luckily my memory kicked in and we found it without too much of an issue. When we got there we had a list from all the workers back at the yard. The guys were all paid on Friday, they have subsequently drank themselves into a coma, and ran out of money for the month. So, they gave Ali a big list of groceries to get and then they all turned their phones off knowing she was going to call and shout at them for being so irresponsible haha. At one point we had to find a product called “Giggle snacks” and I went up to one of the shop attendants.

Me “Hi, can you tell me where I would find giggle snacks please?”
Attendant “Can you speak in English, I cannot speak Afrikaans”
Me “........... erm, I thought I could speak English as well, but maybe my Afrikaans is getting better! can you tell me where to find giggle snacks?

Then he realized his mistake and found them for us. My gosh, I love wholesalers! They had crisp bulk buys that were the same size as I am! I really want to buy a packet and just saunter down the road eating them.
Next Edith and I headed to pick and pay for the groceries, which was fine, and then when we came out, the damn car wouldn't start! I had to ask a nice man to come and look at the terminals so I could start it again....Thankfully he actually knew what he was doing, unlike the clueless driver, moi. Haha. But, we returned from town triumphant! So, all in all, a great day! Let the weekend begin! I plan on going cycling, sunbathing, and everything outdoorsy, I cant wait!

p.s Apologies for the lack of photos, I will get myself organised tomorrow ! night night all! Hope you are alll glad that the blog is back !

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