Wednesday 20 November 2013

Gogo Nkulu

Hello Yellow Mongoose readers! Today has been a lovely day. It all kicked off with a trail ride Edith and I did with Blue and Danny. Blue is my new favourite ride, he is the prettiest little pony that reminds me of Merrylegs from Black Beauty. And he looks just like the horse from War Horse. He is such fun to ride! Apart from when the horses got a spook and I ended up in a tree.....BUT I stayed on, which is the important thing!

After it was time for school, it had a great energy today, and all the kids seemed in a great mood. Shame, it broke my heart because after the past couple of days, Liesbeth has been so down, yesterday she told me that her house had no food, and she was hungry. Today, she was full of life and the first thing she said was that her house now had yogurts, bread and coca cola. My heart really did melt for her. She is such a sweet little girl, I hope things at home get better for her. I really do. But she was in a much better mood today, back to her usual self of imitating me like a parrot and ordering the other kids about ! We did colouring today, education time, puzzles and face painting today. Oh my gosh, they LOVED the face painting. Although it was very hard to work my limited artistic magic when they wouldnt keep their heads still, so some of the "hearts" look a bit questionable. They looked so cute!

The kids are getting so smart, as I have said many times, I wish I could cram as much into them as I can before big school starts for them. I am so worried about them, it is going to be a huge transition for them, going from a class of 13 where they are special, and hitting is forbidden, to a class of 9O where they are beaten often with a cane. I hope the teachers can see the potential in our kids and give them help. They are all really special and some of them could really go far. I reckon Charlotte and Grace could go to University. I hope they get that chance. I wish they were just staying with us.....This school can teach them way more than that other school, which is evidenced by the fact that Michael and Emma who left for grade one last year have failed and will be repeating the year now. They will be now in the same year as our little ones, and I have met Michael and Emma, they are the sweetest kids ever, but our ones are lightyears ahead!

After school we had to rush into town because the tractor had packed in and ran out of petrol at the top of the fields, so we went in and grabbed a sandwich. Man, I love town so much haha, but it is always nice to return home to the quiet safety of the farm. Town is good in small doses haha. Then this evening, Edith and I power ran to our usual place and then i walked the dogs in the cool night air. It was fish for tea and now I need a bath, and perhaps some Ugly Betty before bed. Lekker Slaap all xxxxxxxxxx

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