Sunday 24 November 2013

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening !

Hey guys! Sorry for the catch up again! I just wanted to conserve the internet we have so we can last till the end of the month! Can you believe Christmas is so close! I can not believe we only have like four weeks until Christmas day! We have so much to get organised it is insane! We have one and a half weeks of school left, and then it is straight into pony camp, plus full house on guests, then before we know it, Ali and Danies family will be here for Xmas! I have already volunteered to give up my room and go sleep in a tent in the garden. I love camping so it doesn't bother me! I could sleep in the classroom, that would be cool haha! Anyway, so yeah, we are trying to have Christmas ready and done now, because we just aren't going to have time in December!

Today we went to visit the Welgemoeds for lunch. Oh my goodness, it was so good! Lindie is the best cook ever! She makes this amazing pumpkin dish with caramel sauce that is just amazing! It took all my self control not to lick the plate clean and ask for more. And her cookie and ice cream dessert was awesome! It was so delicious i cannot tell you! Very traditional South African meal! Very nice! It was a lot like an English Sunday dinner, only they have rice as well as potatoes, and other delicious things like the sweet pumpkin or potato! Sooooo good! Never thought I would be someone who asked for recipes but I am most definitely going to be getting a few off Lindie! I cannot go back to England without taking them home with me! It was such a lekker day though, we chilled by the pool and chatted, and we all had a contest to see who could bench press and leg lift the heaviest with Leonard's home gym! I am very proud to say that although Johnnie was the best by far, I was a close second! I have arms of steel I tell you! But yes, it was so good! It was nice to get off the farm for a little bit, haha, we even got all dressed up and everything. Showered, clean clothes, the lot! We like to make an effort !

Other than today, we have got plans to do our pothole photo shoot very soon! We have an idea to go to the main road off the farm and use one of the potholes as a prop, making it into a bath, with me in a bikini, shower cap, and rubber duck, that we can send to the paper as a campaign to get the government to fix the roads. We plan on making me "pothole girl" with the slogan "Splash or Crash?". It should be fun, I cant wait to see all the drivers faces as they see a bikini clad girl climbing out of a pothole clutching her rubber duck! Who knows, this could be the campaign that changes the political face of South Africa! or maybe not.....but we can dream!

In other news, Edith and I have decided to start keep fit and lose weight. We have decided to make Lydenrust our own personal bootcamp sanctuary. We will look like models by the end of our stay! So......maybe I shouldn't get that recipe off Lindie for that delicious pumpkin......tough call. At least on a farm you cant run to Mcdonalds when you feel like breaking.....But there are a lot of tasty chickens running around.....if one of them were to go missing.....surely they wouldn't be missed....

I am getting better at driving Blow Bull, well, I say I am getting better, but on Friday I was trying to get the tank out of the new gate that George put up and I was yelling at Charlotte over the sound of the engine going "CHARLOTTE, HOW CLOSE AM I TO THE POST !" and Grace was at my side going "mam, mam, just go straight, straight, straight, straight". And when I actually managed to get through, they all cheered. Hmmmmm I need to practice more when six year olds need to help me how to drive.....

And that is all folks! We are nearly at the end of the month so we will have pictures back up very soon in December! I know how dull it can be when you dont have pictures to look at, so I appreciate all of you that are still reading despite the visual deprivation! Lekker Slaap all! I think tomorrow is going to be a good day! xxxxxx

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