Sunday 3 November 2013

Sunday Sunday SUNDAAAAY

Hello all,
well, unfortunately we have found that on only the third day of the month that we are already 34% into our internet allowance for the month! So Ali is going to ring tomorrow about it, we think it may have come from her updating her iphone, but unfortunately that means that we are going to have to limit the amount of pictures we put up and keep all other internetting to a minimum for a while till we catch up. I will still update and everything, just with less pictures!

Anyway, today we awoke and had lots of horses to get saddled for this mornings trail ride with Alis friend Elma and the kids. It was a lovely morning to go round the mountains. We only walked, but sometimes it is nice to just have a relaxing ride round! After I had a very lazy day. I watched the movie Seabiscuit which was awesome, did the washing up, and read a little. Oh, and I also had a singing session out on the veranda with my new music player. Ali was laughing when she found me singing along to Razorlight..... haha.

We had a new baby goat born today! It was sooo cute! Elma and the kids named him Jimmy. So Jimmy has been added to the ever growing nursery! As it is month end, we had no Marcus to help out with the goats, so me and Ali had to do all four feeds for Rosie and Uli. Essentially they are too old for bottles now, but since their mum died after she ate herself to death, we have to get milk into them somehow or they will die. So, we have to hold down two of the other mums and let Uli and Rosie drink from them. Lisa is a wonderful Mum and rarely fights us, but my gosh, Socks is getting very sick and tired of it. Yikes she fought us.....mind you, Uli pushes and shoves so much that it is no wonder she is angry and wants to stamp on us and them!

In the evening we finally got a visit from the two girls who ride, Alzarn and Jolene. They are the sweetest girls ever, but they havent been in absolutely ages due to studying for their exams. We had the most wonderful ride tonight. I cantered along and tucked the reins under the saddled and held my arms out to the side, it really does feel like flying haha. But yes, it was absolutely great!

And to be perfectly honest, that is all that has gone on today! Very chilled and relaxed to be honest! Just what I need before the new school week starts! We have a new volunteer arriving this Thursday called Edith from Germany! I cant wait till she gets here, and if she is anything like the last German we had, Uli, I know she will be great! I am also looking forward to having another person at school to help out, it is so hard to get education time done when there is only one of you, the kids demand so much attention and so much variation in what they are leaning, that it is nigh on impossible for one person to do it. I mean, we have 3 and 6 year olds. So, the 3 year olds need constant supervision due to their lack of concentration, but the older ones need help as well due to the fact that they are at a stage when they can handle harder tasks, but they still need guidance! I have high hopes for Grace and Charlotte, both of whom can now do adding up! I am so proud that they have got it ! And I hope when Edith arrives I will have more time to really get them working on it, and perhaps work on subtracting, and the months of the year before they go to big school! Anyway, I am gonna sleep. I am sooo tired despite my lazy day, so lekker slaap all. Bath and bed for me! xxx

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