Friday 15 November 2013

My new running buddy

I have now got a new running buddy in the form of Edith. Now, I always like to think that since I run at all, I should instantly be put in the "fit and healthy category", personally I think the fact that I even drag my sorry ass out on a run at the end of the day qualifies me for some kind of an award. But, I am always reminded of just how slow I do run when i run with anyone. Today was a prime example, Edith did high knees, zig zags along the road and ran backwards to keep herself at my pace. I just want to say that she has youth on her side......git. But, on the bright side, I cut my time down by ten minutes! Mainly because I am far too stubborn to stop running when i have may have killed me, and at the end of the run I had to literally lie down on the grass outside the stables hyperventilating. Edith and I now have a plan that she is going to get her six pack back and I am going to be happy if I get any kind of pack, one would do, I am not fussy! So bye bye chocolate, hello delicious DELICIOUS salad....

The kids got pony rides this morning, followed by breakfast at the picnic area and a swim in the river before coming back to school and doing education time. For some reason, the kids have started saying "Thank you my dear" whenever they get anything like juice of me, it is very weird to have a three year old call you "dear", so I told them my name is Rosie, not dear. This did not help as they now just say "Thank you my dear Rosie". This is definitely a sign that I clearly command respect among them haha. 

This evening we had new baby goats! Spot had a little boy and girl, and oh my gosh they are sooooo cute! They have little pink noses and look like little piglets. I have named the girl baby goat Joy after my Mum and Gran as that is both of their middle names. She definitely looks like a Joy! I have left the boy to be named by Edith, she seems to be swaying towards naming him "Hope", but I said that the other goats would make fun of him for having such a feminine name. But I will keep you posted on Joys brothers name when we get one! 

Other than that this is pretty much all for today, other than the trail ride we all did this morning which was loveeely! I am going to go watch more Ugly Betty. I introduced Edith to it yesterday night and she loooooves it now, so we are working our way through the season. I am going to hobble off and watch it now since the run has made me hobble like John Wayne. Lekker Slaap everyone xxxxxx

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