Saturday 2 November 2013

Ready, steady, SHEER !

This morning I awoke to the most miserable sky! We haven't actually had any thunderstorms today but it has been nasty! It was threatening us all day! Thankfully it held off and in the evening we actually got some lovely sun. Wendy joined us today for an early morning trail ride. It may have looked nasty but it was beautifully cool. To start we went to the gallops for a wake up call. I love tearing along that field racing against the other horses. It makes me feel so free and happy. I read a quote somewhere that said any problem can be eradicated by a good canter. I have to say, I completely agree. I feel sorry for anyone who does not love horses and dont know what it is to fly, it is the most magical thing ever!

The evil sky!

Anyway, the rest of the ride was lovely, and we returned to head straight off into town to get our sheep sheered. The poor sheep have been absolutely dying with their big shaggy coats when it gets hot, so we packed them up and took them to Ali's vet Mariki's farm where she was getting her own sheep done. They were being sheered by two old men of 61 and 73! All done by hand! They were the sweetest men ever, and they only charge R1O a sheep! Which is about 7Op in English money. Ali refused to pay them such a small amount for over two hours work, mainly because our sheep are so fat that they took double the time and twice the manpower! So she gave them R1OO each for their time, they were so appreciative and kind. Apparently none of the younger guys want to learn or do sheep sheering, and the 73 year old is actually retired, so we were all appreciative of them for coming !

 Me with Murphy

Mr Bones in the river <3

Mariki's farm was wonderful! It reminded me of those real old fashioned farms that I used to read about in my animal stories books. All her animals are rescue animals and she had loads! Thirteen dogs, horses, sheep, donkeys, the lot! Most impressive was that when our sheep were being done, her 9 year old daughter Marzel was doing all their immunizations! She was definitely the most bad-ass 9 year old I have ever seen, with the injection in her hand, leaning down and just doing the job bish bash bosh. Very impressive! I always wanted to be a vet when I was little, it must be so awesome to be able to fix animals when they are sick.

 Marzel in action

Coolest kid ever!

When we returned home with the sheep their lambs were SCREAMING for them. The hilarious thing is, they are still screaming and I think the lambs still don't recognize their own mothers haha!
Also this evening I met Ali's long term friend Elma who has come to stay with her daughter and a family of theirs. They invited us over for coffee and chatted, especially about how Ali and Elma are going into the trucking business that they will name "The galloping grannies" haha ahhh pipe dreams ! We bottle fed, and this night we have dined on my delicious Asian noodle soup. It was delicious, if I do say so myself! Followed by dessert of a cinnamon cake. I feel so content and happy tonight. Just really happy. Night night everyone, trail rides and baby goats to look after tomorrow, so I need my sleep! xxxxx

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