Friday 29 November 2013

Shocks all round

OK, well, I am sorry I didnt blog yesterday but we had a huge storm and bucket full of rain that continued into this morning. Well, the biggest news to bring to you is quite horrible. Cade, our bottle fed lamb, who was to become the stud ram for the sheep was found dead yesterday. No one could find him, we thought he had been stolen and eaten, but eventually the guys located his body in the outdoor toilet.
We are all still, so shocked. We have no idea how he died. We dont know if he was trampled by the other sheep when the storm hit and they all tried to cram in there, or whether he was bitten by a snake, we just dont know. I am so shocked that he is gone. It was horrible this morning going out onto the farm with Chloes bottle and not hearing him bleat. I have heard him crying for his bottle in the mornings for four and a half months, this morning was the first it has ever been silent. It was horrible. So, r.i.p Cade, we will miss you so much.

It is hard to try and be cheery and write something else after that, but in other news, today was the last day of school, and now the Xmas holidays have begun. We still have our field trip on Wednesday, but the big kids will all be going to big school now, and the next time I do day of the week, or letter of the day, will be on January 15th 2O14! With a whole heap of new kids and a new school year. I wish our kids all the best for their futures, and I know they will do wonderfully, they have all made such huge leaps in progress over the past few months, and it has been a joy to watch them develop. A few of the highlights have got to be seeing Jane go from scribbling a picture completely in black to carefully colouring a picture in various colours with not a single smidgen outside of the lines. Another, is Oupa, who couldnt even hold a pencil, not only being able to write his letters, but being able to circle the correct letter when asked in an activity. Seeing Chris and the look on his face when he realised he had won the first colouring competition, and being there to see Sara for her Birthday party, seeing Siyabonga in a suit, teaching the older girls how to add up and truly seeing them get it, FINALLY getting percy to know that "p" is for percy", sitting with Uli in the sun and watching the kids make a house out of the tables and chairs, seeing their faces when they saw Spur on our field trip and seeing them so happy as they played, hearing them all chant that Danie was "The Headmaster", watching them put on my make up that I brought in for them to play with. Ah, there have been so, so, so many lovely moments with them, I am really gonna miss and cherish the times I have had with those kids. They are really special <3

In other news, we alsoo had a cake today which went down very well with all the kids. They always get so excited when they get cake, and they seem to savour every mouthful, honestly, I have seen some of them eat one slice for over half an hour before! We had a lovely relaxed day with colouring, puzzles and play time, which was slightly interuppted by the rain we got AGAIN! But, it was a nice last day I have to say. What am I going to do with my time now! I think the dogs are gonna get a lot of walks, and the horses ridden a lot now me thinks!

OH! And I have completed the three day hump challenge of no smoking! I am over and clear of the first 72 hours and I think i can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I no longer feel like death warmed up. I think i might actually be able to do this! So, all in all, life at Rehab la Lydenrust is going well, and now we are onto the push before Christmas! Can you believe it is like three and a half weeks away! I certainly cant. it doesnt even feel close! But that is probably because I spend Christmas in the cold and dark in England, so it just feels unnatural to be in a Christmassy mood when it is hot enough for a bikini!

Haha, anyway, I gotta sleep, busy day tomorrow. Lekker Slaap all! xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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