Thursday 21 November 2013

Where do the days go?

I am sitting here wondering where the day has gone! One minute I was getting up, the next it is time for dinner and winding down for the next day.
We have had the rain of all rains. It started last night and continued until this afternoon, just constant rain. EVERYWHERE is like a mud slide. Absolute chaos! Which all began when trying to get the kids....we got to the pick up point for them OK, but on the way back we just spun round and ended up completely stuck. I tried to use my manly muscles to push us out, but Blow Bull weighs more than an elephant, so needless to say I didnt make much of a difference. So, Ali and I just had to wait for George to arrive in the tractor to come and pull us out, he was laughing, and the kids thought it was hilarious.

By the time we finally reached school, we only had six kids for the day, which was a very intimate little class and we actually had a really great day. We coloured, did puzzles, played with playdo and modelling clay, read a book, and did letter of the day and day of the week. All the kids were very cold though. I hate how cold it is today! 19 degrees! FREEZING GUYS! Haha, and I just read about England having 1OO days of snow, haha, I should count my blessings and take the 19 degrees....

Despite the rain, we battled through and actually managed to get into town to do our weekly grocery shopping. I have discovered that Edith and I have exact opposite tastes in food, for one, she hates doughnuts! Who hates doughnuts? And she hates mint ice cream, which is my favourite. She also does not like sweet potatoes, where I love them, and I cannot stand full cream milk and yet she loves it. I have decided she is weird and our friendship must end now haha. Anyway, I am going to go and cook dinner, I really dont have any other news for today. Night night, Lekker Slaap xxxx

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