Sunday 17 November 2013

Busy Weekend!


Oh my goodness, today has been soooo busy.. i feel like it is Sunday and everything that happened this morning was yesterday!

It all kicked off with a trail ride with Wendy, and the sisters Elzaan and Jolene. I rode Blue for the very first time as well. He is a tiny little pony that is just a pocket rocket! I absolutely loved riding him this morning! Everyone else is trotting and that guy is cantering along, he is my new favourite and I plan on riding him every day now! He apparently bucks a lot when he is excited but he was really great! After, we dropped the girls off at the dam to join their parents who were on a fishing trip. We took Murphy along with us for a swim in the river, he loved it. Ali has said if we have time tomorrow then we are going to take the horses over to the dam and have a ride there, I actually cant wait! Amaaziiinng.

After that Edith and I walked the dogs up on the hills, we are trying to get the dogs out every day because the Great Danes are very fat and they all need the exercise as well as us! Then, it was lunch, and just enough time to relax before we went out and did find none of the workers apart from Little Marcus were there. They were all no shows and werent answering their phones. Most likely they were all drunk. It is absolutely ridiculous when they do this, especially after all Ali does for them. We were meant to head into town before 4, but with nobody to help, we didnt get away until after 5. We had to head in to give an injection to one of the horses that Ali gave away. She is called Sapphire and needs the African Horse sickness jab, so Ali always goes out to give them it. On our way in we visited the Welgemoeds and had a cool drink with them until we realised it was getting dark. Oh! And shame, we have a very ill baby goat again. Little Liam the goat is so weak, so very weak. We dont know what to do. We beemered him all the way to town and tried to feed him at the Welgemoeds, but he wont have any of it. We are really worried about him. He is such a cute baby goat, and his mum is a first time Mum, so she isnt the best and is a bit dozey to be honest. We will keep trying with him, fingers crossed he has the same guardian angel as Socke.

We didnt get back until really late, hence why Saturdays blog is coming to you on Sunday, apologies!


Well, the ride to the dam did not go exactly as we would have hoped. And when I say that, I mean it was a complete disaster! Our logic was, that we were going to leave Maverick, who is the usual lead horse, and for Ali to take Mandla instead, as that would mean we could all go swimming in the dam with the horses, which is something Maverick would not have the patience for. Now, Mandla, in Zulu means "Brave", and after today Mandla, Blue, and Duncan should all be renamed to "Glue factory", "Dog meat", and "Bullet to the Head", since that is what they are going to get and where they are going after todays outing. Duncan wouldnt lead and fought Edith the whole way, Mandla went on strike, and Blue just had his head up their backsides the whole way. In the end, after several failed attempts, we decided that it just wasnt safe on the roads with the trucks when the horses were acting like this, so we turned back. And man, SUDDENLY, those horses had fuel in them. Blue belted it back to the yard like Seabiscuit. I have never gone so fast in all my life! That little pony can move!

Anyway , it is better we left it since we got caught in the rain on the way back and it poured it down! So, that was our ride to the dam! We didnt get there, but we still got wet! After drying off, Edith and I sat down to veg out infront of Ugly Betty.This is what Sundays are for, being lazy and doing nothing haha! Then at 11am, the Welgemoeds came round for a picnic to the dam! Ah it was such a wonderul day! We had delicious food and drink, Ali and I swam with Blue and Duncan in the dam, Edith and I had mud fights with the kids and swam about, then I just passed out on the bank and had a midday siesta. It was so lekker. We used the algae to make fake hair out of it and pretend we were posing for a Loreal add. Some of the pictures from today are hilarious, Edith is laughing away and Mene the little girl is in tears haha. I also managed to make JL cry but splatting him with mud when he emerged from the water....I couldnt help but laugh. Hey! All is fair in Mud and War!

After, we had to get all the animals done as fast as possible because there was a storm coming in, and a HUGE crack of lightening and thunder. It was so loud and so close that I couldnt believe it. I have never heard something that loud before! And in the end we all had coffee and I have just emerged from the bath. I dont think i will ever get the mud out of my hair....

Lekker Slaap all, another school week is starting tomorrow! 

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