Monday 18 November 2013


Today has been a distinctly blah day for me after the fun weekend. I didn’t sleep great and woke up feeling like a bit of a zombie. The baby goat Liam is still on house watch. Ali has managed to get a couple of hundred mills of milk into him but the poor thing just doesn’t seem to have the sucking ability. He is still so weak. He is in the house again tonight, cuddled up to the stuffed toy cat that belonged to Socke when she was ill. Fingers crossed in the next few days he gets a grasp of it and starts taking in more food, he really must be starving.
In other goat news, Kayla and Chloe’s mum had twin baby girls today! Donna, our past volunteer, named them Shyla and Sweetie. Well, they are definitely very sweet! Such sweet little babies! Baby goats are definitely my new favourite thing in the world, they bounce and jump, and spring like there is no tomorrow! If Uli was still here I would have some actual pictures of them to show you, she always had such wonderful pictures, but I just don’t have the patience to sit in that goat pen and wait for that perfect moment like she did. Also, I just want to say, Chloe is still on the bottle, being bottle fed twice a day.....her mum just had new babies which would mean definite weaning, and she is most likely pregnant herself. Ali bottle fed her cow Dougal for a whole year, and he still eats calf pellets haha. I am going to have a serious sit down talk with Chloe and discuss the matter with her, that she is a grown up princess now and she must forage with the other goats haha.

I am going to have to start riding every morning, I have neglected Mr Bones my horse for far too long. I rode him almost every day, but I have been so lazy and haven’t ridden him for over a month now....I don’t know why I have such a mental block on it, but I am going to try and pull myself out of it and get myself out on him tomorrow morning to see how he goes. I will, I will!
This morning however was, as I said, a lazy morning, due to me feeling like I was on deaths door step, and it took three strong black coffees to finally perk me up and make me feel human again.

School was nice today, although I felt terrible for little Liesbeth. At break time she just sat at the table with me while I had my coffee (the third coffee) and wouldn’t play. So I asked her:

Me - “Liesbeth whats wrong?”
Liesbeth- “......”
Me- “Are you sleepy?”
Liesbeth- *silence *
Me- “ Are you sad?”
Liesbeth- * nods *
Me- “Were the other kids mean or hit you?”
Liesbeth- “No”.
Me- “What about Mama and papa?”
Liesbeth- *nods *
Me- “Did mama and papa hit you?”
Liesbeth- *nods and starts to cry *

She spent the rest of the break on my knee with her head on my shoulder cuddling me. I felt so sad for her, she really did cry and was so upset about it. I dont know what had gone on at home but whatever it was, it really affected her. These kids are so rough and tumble that most things, even if they are upsetting, they forget about it five minutes later, but this was something that had really distressed her for a while. I just wanted to hug her all day and bring her home.
Other than Liesbeth being in the wars, we had a good day. My education time with the bigger kids went well, they are actually grasping what adding up is, and it was so cute to see them figuring the math problems out that I had given them. They are getting so smart! Edith had the little kids and she got them all to make Christmas Angels with paint and colouring pencils. They looked really cute actually. At the end we had the cars and toy animals out and had a play with them.
In the afternoon I made more education papers up for the kids and took the dogs for a walk. Although, I couldn’t go far since there seems to be a storm threatening, but it has been threatening all afternoon which means I cant run, cycle or walk because there is always the threat of it hitting, which is soooo annoying! Stupid storms......go away!
Anyway, this evening is chillaxed as always, I made pasta for Edith and Ali, and I plan on a lot of Ugly Betty tonight to compensate for the lack of running! Only 12 days of school left until the holidays! I don’t know if it makes me a bad teacher that I am counting down the days, but I don’t think it will win me any awards. I really do love them, but I don’t think I will ever grow out of being excited for the holidays to be here! So good night to you all, and wish me look on my ride tomorrow with Mr Bones! I will get out of this mental block, I will, I will! Lekker Slaap ! xxxx

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