Thursday 14 November 2013

King Kong

Today has been sooooo busy! The kids were in full on screaming mode today due to the heat, and the fact that up until this evening we have still had no toilet, so they are having poo parties down in the bushes that means they take forever to come back to the classroom from Thankfully George has managed to recreate a brand new toilet today which kind of looks like the iron throne from Game Of Thrones. Ali says it looks hideous but I think it looks kind of cool haha. 

Ediths Dad and family friends stopped by as well today before heading off to Botswana, so she got to spend a little time with them this afternoon which I am sure was nice for her. She is only 18, I for one am very impressed at her being her so young, even if I am mistaken for a child on most days, I am still a mature *ish* 23 year old hahahahahaha. Ah sorry, just had to laugh at the idea of me being mature, I know many of my friends from back home would laugh reading that, most of them cant even believe I cook, and none of them can believe people actually eat what I serve. I am someone who cant cook eggs, I could burn salad...or water! Anyway! After school Ali decided that it is now time for my training to go to the next level....driving Blow Bull. Blow Bull is this ancient jeep, probably used in a desert war at some point, and man, I am going to have the muscles of Arnold Schwarzenegger by the end of my stay here, the thing turns like I dont even know what, but you feel it ! I was very hurt though when the kids realised I would be the one driving them home that they all started laughing hysterically.....It is not funny! I am an awesome driver! But then they were deathly silent and I am pretty sure they thought they were gonna die, one of them even used my pony tail as a breaking mechanism. 

After, Edith and I had the job of going to town. I friggen love town, I love going. I do not love getting a list the length of my arm to get stuff though. Especially when I get asked for stuff that I have no idea what it is. Like Jiggie snacks, or in this case today I got asked for 2kg of King Kong. So, there was me, all ready to ask everyone in Otees where I could find King Kong, when thankfully Ali told me that he meant King Corn. That would have been embarrassing..... 

So, when we got to town, I pulled into the garage to get myself a cool drink and this guy asks me if I will give him a lift into town to buy a battery and he will give me money if I will. I just told him I was really sorry but I didnt own the car I was driving and I had to be responsible for it, but that I was sorry. He ended up swearing going "This is why no one f*cking likes South Africa, black, whites, no one f*cking likes it, because no one will do a f*cking thing for any other f*cker". I just stared at him and went "Yeah, OK" and then turned to Edith and said loudly enough for him to hear, "Because he is making a great case for being taken int town". Then, we have an issue with the terminals, it is not a big deal, you just need to tweak them on the car or it will cut out. So, after the lovely convo with the man, the car died, and he, interpreting that we couldn't fix it suddenly went "Dont f*cking ask me for any help, I am a fully trained mechanic, but dont bloody ask me", so I simply smiled at him and went "OK" and we got the car started in a few seconds. We are officially awesome, and we drove away. Some people REALLY need to work on their people skills, maybe he was dropped on his head as a baby, who knows, and more importantly, who cares haha. 

In town we got our jobs done and picked up Georges wife Anna and her son Manuel from town, shame, they waited for so long for us and I felt so bad, so i bought them a cool drink and a box of biscuits to keep them going, since I am pretty sure they missed lunch and it was getting on for dinner time! Manuel is such a little fatty, he is too cute!

Anyway, so we have arrived home, unpacked, and I have made dinner *edible dinner*. I am now going to sit and watch the Monty Roberts join up DVD so I can reconnect with Mr Bones, and an episode of Ugly Betty since my Mum sent me the first season in the post! So excited now to watch it! Teehee! She also sent me another mountain of chocolate. I will share it with the children just so I dont feel like such a pig! 
Lekker slaap everyone, tomorrow it is FRIDAAAAY HURRAHHHH! night xxxxxxxxxxxx

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