Wednesday 4 December 2013

Tears at party time.

Today has flown by, it has been quite a day. Today was the kids Christmas party at Spur. And I didnt expect it to be as emotional and highly charged as it was.
But, from the beginning, I awoke rather early this morning to M.J the rooster at my door crowing into my room....I have had alarm calls from Baby the cat before, but this is a first on the rooster front. He was brought in last night to keep him out of the storm and I have to say, I can see why farmers never sleep in, because it is impossible to sleep through the crowing of those things!

The home made stockings for the kids, made by Lindie and Mené Welgemoed!

 As I was up early anyway, I put the spare time to good use and packed up the bakkie with all the Christmas boxes for the kids and starting taking the horses temperatures so we had a head start on the day. We were so worried at first because everyone was saying that Liesbeth, one of our students, would not be coming as she didnt know about the party. So we were all distraught, thinking she was missing her Christmas party when she turned up. I actually really miss the kids so when we headed off to town, I volunteered to ride in the back with them, just so I could have some more time in their company. I kind of realised today how much they are my world now. When we arrived in town, one of the kids realised I was ticklish on my feet and suddenly all of them were attacking me and tickling me and I was laughing hysterically trying to get them to stop. They seemed to think it was lots of fun seeing teacher Rosie in fits haha.

 Grace and Maggi

The girls with their preschool graduation certificates and teddies!

When we arrived at Spur, we found Lindie, Johnnie, J.L, Leonard, and Mené, all waiting for us! They are such a wonderful family and had organised loads of presents for the kids which they had bought. So, they joined us in the play area and we all enjoyed watching them play. Well, I say I watched, it was more me playing just as much as them. The best thing about kids is that you can do all the crazy childlike stuff that you miss from your childhood, without looking weird. For example, I was running round like a lunatic with the kids today, going round and round and round on the slides, doing races to the top and making pile ups, which would have been really weird if I wasnt there with kids, but since I was, I am just viewed as the awesome teacher haha, little do they know I was having a great time myself lol

percy, the little charmer, who decided to wink at us all all day haha 

The kids with their Christmas blankets!

The kids all had their cool drink, chips and ice cream, which melted SO fast. In the end, Thando came up to me with her spit and slobbered covered soggy cone and gave it to me saying she was "sharing" with me. I just eyed it up and smiled and thanked her haha. I promptly put it in the bin..... But oh my gosh, they were so excited! We had present opening, and face painting, and of course, the kids got to visit their favourite attraction! THE HAND DRYER! hahahahhaha oh man, those kids were washing and re drying their hands sweet.

 Liesbeth and I

Charlotte, carrying her Xmas presents home <3 such a cutie !

When it was time to go, I realised that, due to news we had had this morning, which was about the fact that Liesbeth will now be living in town with her mama from now on and will not be returning to school, it really hit me when Ali said I should say goodbye when we dropped her off as it could be the last time we all saw her. From day one I have loved Liesbeth. She is the happiest, most dramatic, crazy, animated, loving little girl there is. And when I hugged her to say goodbye, I just burst into tears. I couldnt help it, I just cried and cried, I tried not to and I had to pretend to the kids that I was sick and had hayfever. I was just so upset. Even though I still have two months left on the farm, it really hit me that with the holidays, and many of the kids going to big school, I may never see some of them again. And it hit sooo hard, it was horrible. My whole life for the past four and a bit months, has been those children. I know every single one, I know which jersey belongs to who, I can tell who is crying even if I cant see them, I know when they are sad or happy, I know each of their personalities like the back of my hand.....and to think that in such a short time, soon they will just be a memory is upsetting. To think that I have to go back into a life that doesnt include them truly hurts. I tried not to let how upset I was show, I didnt want to ruin their happy day, so I just sat with them and appreciated the time we had.

 Happy Girls <3

Saying goodbye is never easy.....Love you Liesbeth....

I love these kids more than anything now, and I really never thought I would ever say that about kids. But to me, they are my kids. When I go home, I will be so happy to see my family and friends, but leaving and saying goodbye to these kids, to the life I have here, is going to be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do. I was sobbing from saying goodbye to one child today, I dont even want to think of what I will be like when I have to say goodbye to everything......But, I will put that to the back of my mind, and appreciate the time I do have here, Christmas is around the corner, and 2O14 will be here before you know it. Lekker slaap all, sweet dreams xxxxx

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