Friday 6 December 2013

"I am sorry, thats my Zulu name"

In Zulu, you have your Zulu name and your English name. Now, todays comedy moment came from Edith, attempting to use Ali's credit card in Spar and having to sign for it. She didnt realise you could sign any name and panicked when she started to write "Edith" instead of "Ali". Don't worry though, she had a great excuse. "Ah, I am sorry, Edith is my Zulu name". LMAO! Best excuse for credit card fraud ever hahahaha Ah it was brilliant. 

This of course occured during our weekly town trip to get the groceries. We headed out super early and despite this, we didnt even get back to the farm until 2pm! We also had to pick up some school stuff donated by the Lydenbubrg Junior school, which was really kind of them. They were clearing out their old stuff to make way for the new and we got all the old stuff. It was very thoughtful, although, the old copy of the Yellow pages went to our farm worker Little George. Ali just saw the Yellow pages and said "George, there is a book here for you to smoke" haha. I laughed so much, you see, apparently they use the yellow pages as great paper for their cigarettes. Ah it was funny. 

So, when we got back from town we had all the sorting to do and figuring out what went where. Until it was time for animals when Edith and I went on a trial ride, and we came back to find that one of the goats horns had completely come off! His brain is exposed and everything! Truly horrible! He had been fighting with Jack the other male goat, and all we can do now is hope he lasts the night until Ali can get into town and get him an injection pain killer. poor thing, he must be in agony!

poor thing, anyway, it is really late and I have accidentally wasted most of time on Facebook haha! Lekker Slaap all night night xxxx 

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