Sunday 8 December 2013

And pony camp begins!

Well, so much for my plan of writing my blog earlier! But we have been SO busy today that there just wasnt time! The kids arrived very early! Me and Edith hadnt even finished our morning ride and they were already here! Ah, my morning ride is literally my favourite moment of the day. When I take my baby pocket rocket Blue out, and we go to the gallop strip and we just tear up that strip like a racehorse and jockey. It is honestly the most freeing and wonderful moment, it really is ! And the weather at the moment is so lekker for riding, lovely and cool !

 pony camp gang! Me, Edith, Stephan, Marley, and Kasey! <3

Anyway, after our awesome ride, we arrived back at the stables to find Stephan, Marley, and Kasey all here and ready for pony camp action! We let the horses out and started our day! We began with changing into our costumes, taking the dogs for a walk and going for a swim in the big dam. Ah it was so much fun swimming around, but oh my gosh I am not swimming fit! None of us were! We were all knackered after a few lengths and had to get out and go home haha but back at the house we returned to the dam in the garden and hung around there on the surf boards and rubber rings in the sun. Ah it was so nice. And the kids are so awesome! Kasey I have met before a couple of times, and she is the sweetest, most lovely girl ever. And the twins are awesome! Marley is so cool and Stephan is hilarious! He has had me laughing literally all day, he is such a character! Especially when we asked him where England was and he asked if it bordered with Dubai. Ali responded with "yes, England borders Dubai and Zimbabwe". Ah I thought I was going die to laughing at him. We even got the Atlas out to teach him where all the countries were. The best moments were when he thought Sweden was in America, and that Italy was India haha! So now we have decided that instead of pony camp, Edith and I must start running school with them.....especially with focus on Geography!

Stephan on Scotty, and me on my baby Blue !

After the swimming we decided to do a hike up the mountain to visit the time capsule, but we got a quarter of the way up the hill and they were all knackered! Mainly because they all came from Joburg and had been up since 3am! So we had a picnic on the hill and we are going to do the hike tomorrow instead. During the hike though, we encountered a black and red grasshopper. Now, I should have known not to have listened to city kids, but Stephan told us all that this was a poisonous grasshopper, a deadly poisonous grasshopper, so in the end I had to kill it to calm them all down. I later found out that this was a perfectly harmless grasshopper, so I feel really bad about executing a sentient being....I have to say, I said a few words in sadness for the poor grasshopper!

 Keeping it natural.....

Strike a pose ladies!

Then we watched a film and sat and chatted until it was time to get the horses ready for the first ride of pony camp. Well, it didnt go well because we were out for 2minutes and a thunder storm came rolling in and we had to high tail it home! Oh well! We will try for tomorrow morning and see how it goes!

And in the evening we just had Alis famous Coca Cola Chicken and chatted until bed time! It has been tiring but a really fun day! I cant wait for the rest of pony camp! Lekker Slaap all! xxxx

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