Monday 9 December 2013

Mountain climbing and Kestrel rescue!

Hope, our injured Rock kestrel, we found her at the top of the mountain ! She is soo awesome!

Hello! Oh my gosh I am once again so tired! But the good kind of tired after a really good, action packed day. I cant say much as I have a bunch of kids who are this moment camping oover at Brumby House as we speak, and if I leave them for too long, who knows what they will do, or burn down, or break!

We have had such a busy day, we have had trail rides, mountain climbs, braii, and tonight we are camping! It has been so good and I promise I will write about it all tomorrow when I have set them up with a movie and I can slip away to write this bad boy. Lekker Slaap all, I know I am going to be sleeping like a log haha xxxx

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