Thursday 26 September 2013

Town trip, Bikes, and Babies

Well, another hot day. This morning all the staff (minus Big Marcus who is terrified of horses) went out on a ride. It was really nice actually. The language barrier stops me from getting all that close to them but it was fun to take some time out and go on a trail ride with them. Salan also didnt come on the ride, which was kind of hilarious because everyone said he was getting fat and needed to exercise more. Later on we found he had taken one of the new bikes out on a ride. I asked Aly why and she said "Salan has gone for a ride, because he is getting fat". So at least one of the bikes is being put to good use!

Lydenrust Disney Production- One woman and her goat: A journey of self discovery

Me and Mia

Our poor Manama who is in the wars at the minute with a sore back and tummy. Here she is ready to be healed by the beemer. Jinx is on stand by as nurse. 

Today was town day, Alys most hated of all days, so straight after the trail we headed out to Lydenburg for all the groceries. It is a mammoth task which takes around four hours to do. And this week was worse as it is months end and we had to queue in the bank for aggggges. One thing I do miss about England is that at least we dont have queues going out the door and only two cashiers on. I think Aly was ready to kill someone. We chatted with a lady and discussed the fact that the power is being completely switched off in Lydenburg on the 16th October because the people of Lydenburg pay the municipality who in turn are MEANT to pay the electric company. But, as with all politics here, it is so corrupt and have used the taxpayers money on new cars and houses. The municipality owe the electrical company R146,638,549.43 (£9,775,903). So, in a couple of weeks, all of Lydenburg is gonna be well and truly screwed. And what is worse, the municipality don't even have the money to pay for it, so have asked the people to write letters to appeal to the electrical companies compassionate side......Thankfully, at the farm here, we pay them directly so we shall remain fully lit, but it is horrible to think of the stand still Lydenburg and the surrounding areas are going to be in soon.....

In the middle of town they have an actual British cafe! So patriotic seeing the British flag. Kind of....

Tomorrow is pay day for the workers here, so everyone is round at little George's house getting ready to party, and we managed to catch Christine to give her the baby clothing donations for her baby Deana. One thing I am surprised about here is the level of enthusiasm in the adults when given anything. The resonating feeling I pick up on is almost, "thanks, where is the rest?". It is so odd because, as I said, the children are sooooo grateful for all they receive. This is why the school is so important. It is hard to explain, but, by giving them something to be proud of, by treating them as special in a world where almost all feel like nothing, we are giving them the self esteem and appreciation to become individuals who give back to their community, as Aly has done for them. It might sound hippy-ish, but for things to get better here, it has to be a community effort.

Christine and baby Deana

 Lekker Slap


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