Friday 27 September 2013

Murphy's Law

Well, what a day not to have a camera with me! During a beautiful ride on Mr Bones in the mountains where I could see all of the gorgeous red cliff faces, I encountered a new born baby calf. It was sooooo cute! It was like Bambi on little spindly legs ! So adorable! Thats one of the best things about living here. The nature is friggen awesome. Every morning I have my coffee on the veranda, watching the sun come up and watch the weaver birds above the dam making their nests. And on top of that, we have Angel our Rebuck wandering around as well. I need to get more pictures of these things because it is amazing.

I spent the day enjoying the sun at the minute as the weekend is bringing a very cold snap with lows of 7 degrees! I will freeze! School is also in the middle of a makeover, we have a new fencing area for the kids to have their lunch, and Aly picked up some pavement slabs, so by Tuesday it should look loovvvvely! The inside of school is absolute chaos, so today me and Aly went through puzzles to make sure all the pieces were there and hadn't been lost or half chewed off. I have to say, I am not a bright girl. I spent a good hour actually making the puzzles to check them, when I suddenly realised I could just count the pieces.....So, I am clever enough to be a very bright six year old, but not quite smart enough as an adult haha.

On the news of our lost volunteer Jodie, thankfully, an old volunteer of Alys called Donna has agreed to come earlier to help us out, and fingers crossed she should be here by the 7th October. Hopefully I can manage the kids for four days on my own and I can return all of them at the end of the week to their parents alive and not missing any limbs or essential organs. I am actually really missing the kids. Anyone who knows me back home, knows me as the child hating woman. It is surprising even to me that I am looking forward to school being back on from Tuesday! They are a funny bunch and I cant wait to see them again, even Percy, who seems to insist on pooing his pants almost every time he comes into school.....

The new bike got its first proper ride today, cycled to Klipspruit and back. I cycled all the way there, almost all down hill and when I went to turn around I just had the realization of "I have made a terrible mistake". The slopping hills almost killed me. I would have the lowest gear and peddle for several songs on my ipod, then I'd look up and be no bloody closer to the top of the hill than I was ten minutes ago. But alas, it was fun, watching the sunset as I rode back was beautiful. .

Sadly no photos today, but I shall get the camera up and running again for tomorrow :)

Lekker Slaap x

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