Tuesday 24 September 2013

"Lazy days"

I honestly dont know what to do with myself!The school holidays are out and I dont exactly know what to do with myself with the kids! God dammit. There was once a time when I longed for holidays to get here, but now, I can't wait for school to begin again!

Today was a typical day, rode Mr Bones and walked on a trail, before heading into town to visit the Welgemoed's. They have ten beautiful Great Dane puppies. I was seriously considering putting one under my coat and just keeping hush about it. Aly is most definitely my new mum here, every time we enter a feed or pet store I am like a child going "Allllllyyyyyy can I have a puuuuuuppyyyy?? I promise I will look after it myssseeeeelllllllf". But, with seven dogs at the farm, perhaps I should just walk Murphy instead. Or, just steal one of the baby goats, put a collar on it and make it my new dog.

During our visit we were able to pick up the bikes Aly had bought off them. I was beyond excited, and getting a new bike is like Christmas to me. Although, I was very upset to find it was too bloody hot to actually try them out when we got home. But, its a bit cooler now, I may go try them out. If I cycle places instead of running I may get less people pulling over in their cars asking with concern if I need a lift. Aly says this is probably because I run in my horse riding gear and look like Ive fallen off my horse and lost it. This could be true.

Christmas sorting began today and we spent the afternoon making piles of clothes for each individual child to go in their Christmas box. There were some amazingly cute outfits, which I wanted to give all to Patience because she is just the cutest little girl ever! Except for when she got off the school bus last week and decided to have a wee right in front of me. All I saw was her bare ass as I said goodbye for the holidays. Happy memories......

On the town trip today me and Aly were discussing the differences between England and South Africa. She couldnt believe that if you have a kid and dont work, then you get a free house, income support, child tax credits etc. Or if you just cant be bothered to work that you get money given to you for no reason. I have always been against chosen unemployment, but being here has greatly enhanced my appreciation of other countries work ethic, and the shame I have at the majority of the British who choose not to work, but to spend their time lazing around, and then ironically complaining about foreigners stealing jobs.

Oh, on a personal note, this is day 29 with no sugary sweets or crisps. I think I may be getting delirious when I started googling pictures of doughnuts ... Luckily, Aly made us strawberry smoothies which will hopefully tide me over :D Anyways, another day is done, and I smell like goat.....so I think it is time for a bath.

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