Monday 30 September 2013

Cradle of Life Animal Rehabilitation Centre!

Sometimes when it rains, it pours! And boy did it rain last night!  It  chucked it down for the whole night and we awoke to the most miserable weather ever! Also, I slept in because I spent half the night up thinking we were being robbed. Turns out it was just the black cat coming in from the rain......And there was me making escape battle plans and everything.

I needed to get a tetanus shot today for when I got savaged by the fence. So, on the way to our day out, we passed through Machadodorp, which is quite frankly, the worst town ever. It was so miserable, it kind of reminded me of what a zombie town would look like in the movies where everything is dead and abandoned. The first clinic we visited apparently wouldn't be helping whites any time soon, plus, I don't think I trust a place that has a box of free condoms on the counter in what they call a 'condotainer'. The next place was a hair salon/health centre. Only in South Africa can you have your hair done while you wait to die :p The nurse was very nice though and she got to us fast. I am proud to say I didn't cry like i did when the antiseptic was put on. Although she did say she was using a needle made for babies. I probably looked like I might freak out. Good job we found her, coz if not, Aly would have had to have given me the shot herself with one of the massive cow needles. Now that would have been an experience...

Moi in the erm 'health centre, hair salon'

Being so brave haha

Anyway, as this was the last day of our holidays before school tomorrow, we decided to get off the farm and go out to Badplaas Cradle of Life Animal Rehabilitation centre. It was stunningly built. We saw all sorts of animals such as tigers, lions, pumas, hyenas etc but we both agreed, seeing animals from behind a fence is kind of sad. They should be running free and wild. And plus, animals that they had breeding like the wolf and tiger arent even indigenous to Africa! But, apart from that, seeing the animals was amazing, The tigers were huge! And our tour guide Jackie was really great. Anyway, apologies for the appalling writing tonight. The O,P,L, back space and enter button no longer work on my laptop so i a having to use Alys plug in keyboard. My poor laptop.

 Look at that face!

 This was the biggest cuddle pot ever!

 SEE! IT IS REAL! THE MONGOOSE IS TRYING TO GET ME! OK, so it is a banded mongoose, but close enough...

 Funny Giraffe


 Baby tiger 

Lekker Slaap everyone! School starts tomorrow and I need to sleep before the week begins again. Back to the old routine :) xxxx

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