Monday 23 September 2013

Tears, Trails, and Odd jobs

Uli left today at 6:45am from the farm. I am generally not one to cry, but we were all in floods of tears saying goodbye. I can't believe she had been with us for six whole weeks. The time has flown by and I have no idea where it went, but I want a refund so I can get the time back and for her to be back with us! That being said she is heading to some wonderful sounding farms around South Africa and I wish her all the best. I certainly intend to go visit her in Germany for hiking and the German Christmas Markets!

Work never stops here, and as soon as Aly was back from dropping off Uli we had a pony ride trail to do. I foolishly sad I would lead one of the two young boys.......My fitness is truly appalling. I could barely converse while we went up hill, but I think he found it amusing!

The family we took on the trail are staying in Palomino cottage, they are truly wonderful, and even brought donations for the school! So, in a bid to not get too down from Uli leaving, me and Aly went through the new things and made up little christmas presents for the kids. They will all get a pencil case with a pencil, pen, ruler, sharpener, scissors, glue stick, and coloured pencils. It might not seem like a lot to anyone back home, and I know for a fact that if I gave any of the six year olds I know a pencil case as a present they would be looking up at me and asking where the Xbox was! But here, the kids are so deprived in so many ways that I am genuinely excited to give them these on Xmas day.

Cade "helping out" in School with the donation!

Next job on the list was the volunteers wall of fame. Brumby House has a big wall at the entrance which we set to work at. Now, I've always considered myself a strong, independent, capable girl. So, painting the words 'Volunteers wall of fame' and hammering in some nails didn't sound too hard......Aly fired me after five minutes......I have not an artistic bone in my body, and after she saw my attempt at the 'M' and the 'E' in 'Fame' I thought she was going to have a stroke, or potentially kill me :p So, hammering became my job, not only did I manage to make holes in the walls with nails that didnt even go in right, I also hung them wonky. So, all in all, if today has taught me anything, it is that DIY is not for me, neither is art haha. But! I can recite, word for word, every line from the film Mean Girls....Sadly, this is not a skill I can use on the farm,  unless we were trapped in the feed room all night and we all needed entertaining.


1 comment:

  1. I am really loving your blog, it brings back so many happy memories and keeps me up to date with my second family.
    Lisa Bresler :)
