After our cold snap at the weekend we are hitting 35 degrees here now and it feels like walking in honey. It is soooo hot and muggy, I cant believe it is only spring here.
The goats are definitely all in the spirit of spring. Socke and Sansa are my resident hairdressers at the minute, if I have any hair left when I return to England it will be a miracle! Sansa literally chews the hole thing and I'm left with maize covered drooly hair for the rest of the day. Thankfully one of the great things about living in the middle of no where is that there is no one to impress haha but I'm sure the goats think I look lovely to them.
Chloe getting her morning cuddles, which she demands before even trying to drink, and Socke attempting acrobats on my shoulders!
Special picture for Uli. Such a cuddle pot!
"I like diss"
Resident hairdresser Sansa giving me the chop!
I have to say, I never used to have an appreciation of goats, but being here on the farm I have grown to love them so much. Such characters. I truly enjoy just sitting with them and watching them play :)
Wendy and her kids arrived today for her weekly ride and we had an awesome trail ride today, very fast and very furious. I loved it. Riding here is like riding in some kind of Disney land and I still have to pinch myself when I see the mountains every day!

At the minute I am training to do a marathon so I can raise money for the school and so after the trail ride I did my daily run which I think killed me in this heat, but hey ho, it is all for a good cause and I'm sure I can guilt trip enough people into giving me money for the school. Also, my new bike is friggen awesome! I have been playing on it all day and feel like a kid at Christmas with a shiny new toy. Even if I have to go a tiny distance I take the bike instead. Lurrrrve the bike. Plus, I need to start training as well for when the holidays are over and I have to cycle up to Klipspruit Combined School to help out on the afternoons. But in the mean time, the bike is mine to play with. Cade particularly loves it as well, he follows me around on it, and it is hilarious to see him running after me like I am mummy sheep.
On a disappointing note, the new volunteer Jodie who was supposed to be arriving on Friday sent an email today to say that she was not coming any more due to a change in circumstances. This has kind of left us in the lurch. School is definitely going to be interesting when there is just me there haha fingers crossed I don't kill them! So, we are currently looking at last minute people to come and cover the time Jodie would have been here, but unfortunately most of them sound like spiritual weirdos who have found the light in organic food and just want peace. We are still looking..... haha
And of course, the update on the Christmas boxes. We made a huge dent in the amount of stuff we had, giving away tons of baby things away now to various families in the valley (as babies are not babies for long and need the stuff now) and Sophie (the wonderful maid) got a whole load of new clothes for her teenage daughters. I even got some nice new dresses that wouldnt fit anyone we knew, but alas, where I will wear them is a mystery. Dresses do not do on farms.
And finally, in a hilarious turn today, Shirley the shop keeper called me today. Me and Aly met her in Nelspruit when looking for a going away present for Uli. She was a lovely lady, but decided I must meet my future Afrikaans husband immediately. She literally took my name and number and said to look out for her call. She rang today to invite me to her sons birthday party on Saturday and that she has invited "a lot of people" AKA the future Mr Morrison. I can''t go due to it being months end and us being soooo busy here on the farm, so I just told her that my knight in shining armor must come to the farm.....and be prepared for that shiny new armor to be covered in goat spit within 5 seconds.
Busy busy day and tomorrow is going to be even worse. Town trip, shavings, school clear out, wood etc. Aly is already hyperventilating at the thought of town. I told her to adopt the foetal position. I will keep you posted.
Lekker Slaap