Wednesday 29 January 2014

An English girl going back home.

So, here I sit at Ipe Tombe Lodge in Midrand by the pool in the beautiful South African sun. I left Lydenrust farm this morning. It was truly the most heartbreaking thing I have had to do. It truly was, and I reckon that going to the airport and finally realising I am going home is going to hit me again. i have been crying since yesterday morning. Saying goodbye to the kids was awful, we have a new teaching assistant called Nurse and she can speak both English and Zulu. She explained to the kids that teacher Rosie was going home. Jane asked who was going to teach them now, Liefa asked when we were coming back, and Thando just said she was coming with me. It honestly broke my heart, and I had to walk out of class about three times to go and cry silently behind the wall. I didnt want them to see me so sad, or to make them more sad in turn. And as Debbie said, they build up an image of us teachers being such strong inspirational people that it is important to maintain that, and to be strong for them most importantly. So yes, yesterday was very hard.

This morning I woke up at 5am and started crying around 5:30am. Pauly, the dog who moved in from a neighboring farm and who has been my constant shadow for the past month just KNEW something was wrong. He followed me from room to room and sat on my lap licking my face as I cried. Leaving him behind in my room was honestly heartbreaking. It tore me up inside. I left him my jacket because it smelt of me. It was just so hard. I cant even write about it now without welling up. He was such a good dog, and I really loved him. Then at 6:30am it was already time to set off for town to catch the taxi. I cried more saying goodbye to Ali. I cant believe I even left, I cant believe it even now. It just feels like I am going on holiday and I will be back on the farm within a couple of weeks. This is honestly the most bizarre feeling ever. Also, seeing all the beautiful messages on facebook from everyone giving well wishes, and telling me that I made a difference had me crying again.

I feel like I made a life for myself here and now I have to go. Leaving Ali and the farm was honestly one of the worst things I have had to do....

So, here I sit, the day before my flight tomorrow and I dont know what to do with myself. Teacher Rosie has lost her flock .....and her dog. At times like these, it is easy to become so sad, but I want to take everything I have learnt here and transplant it to my life in England. The Yellow Mongoose will live on, oh yes, the blog is not stopping now just because I am going home! I am going to keep it up as motivation to keep my life going with new and interesting things every single day, because hey, you cant have a blog if you are doing nothing all day! Or there is nothing to talk about! So, stay tuned for my blog extracts and for the new chapter in my life to begin back home.

And, most importantly, I will be back to South Africa. I have a new life and a new family here now. I will never forget that. Not ever.

Thank you Ali, Danie, pauly, Johnnie, Lindie, JL, Leonard, Mene, Wendy, Debbie, Donna, Dana, Edith, Uli, Lisa, Sophie, Little George, Big George, Big Marcus, Little Marcus, Simon, Salan, Lettie, Nurse, Margaret, Willem, Kasey, Francois, and every one else. i love you all!

Thursday 9 January 2014

Lights, camera, action!

OK, so what can I say about this week, other than wow? I dont know how many of my Yelow Mongoose fans know, but last week Ali and I decided to finally do our bathtub pothole photoshoot. And without a doubt, this has exploded far beyond what we ever expected. I mean, we all thought it would be a great way of giving us a laugh in a bad situation, and the local town a giggle. These roads are so bad and we have had so many fatal accidents occur because of them and they have stilll not been fixed, it is so bad that if you dont laugh then you will cry. And all we thought thi was ever going to be was a bit of comfort and comedy in a dark situation. But, now, the reaction, the discussions, the media buzz around the pictures we took Is insane! It has gona so far as to be in almost every newspaper around the country, there are two feature magazine articles being planned, radio interviews have been had, I have been caricatured in a cartoon by one of the top cartoonists in the country, and on top of all this, the volume of comments is staggering. I really cant believe it!

As most of you know, I am not the most graceful individual, and while I have to say, my performance on the radio shows was definitely better than I expected (I managed not to curse, swear, or make a fool of myself in the panic of speaking live) but I wish I had come up with a better response when asked what makes me smile, and I said “rubber ducks”. I could have said so many other things but oh no, rubber ducks is what makes me smile. Haha, it is literally the first thing that popped into my head! But anyway, yes, it has been very exciting during my five minutes of fame in South Africa I have to say ! But I havent reached diva celebrity status, so it is all good, although I did joke to Ali's sister Pat that when I stay with her in Johannesburg before my flight, that I must have the VIP suite now, and all the water must be chilled to exactly 2 degrees haha.

In other news! We have got a new volunteer with us! She is called Lisa, and she lives in the UK but is South African born, and she was here on the farm as one of the very first volunteers about a year and a half ago! So I think it has been pretty awesome for her to come and relive the memories of the farm, and see all the animals. She is very thrilled to be reunited with her beloved baby cat, Jinx, who has now abandoned my bed for greener pastures in the back room. But yes, welcome to Lisa, and I hope you enjoy your 3-4 weeks here on the farm!

Currently, one of the farm dogs from the area had kind of moved in, his name is Pauly, and he is the cutest most loving dog there is. He follows me absolutely everywhere. Even the toilet and when I go for a bath. When I go to dip my hair in the water and he cant see me, he tries to jump in the bath tub, so I have to keep talking to him so that he knows I have not disappeared down the plug hole. I was very happy to have my little friend, but the little bugger today has gone back home to his own farm! After almost a week and a half of love, he has deserted me! How could he! Did our love mean nothing! But I am kind of glad he has gone, because I cant take him home and I was becoming a little bit too attached to him.....

School is in excellent shape though, Ness, our new teaching assistant has been hard at work, and I have never seen the classroom looking so good! It almost breaks my heart to think of the mess our future kids are going to create haha! And we have all their homework books all ready, covered, and laminated. Plus, Ali has been working none stop on the homework folders for the kids for weeks now and the filing for them is almost complete. I still have some exercises to put in their class books, but we are almost set for the term to start next Wednesday on the 15th. Ali and Lisa went to see all the parents today of our new kids while I was fetching shavings with Little Marcus. Apparently it looks like we are going to have 19 kids, which doesnt sound like a big jump from the 13 we had last year, but my gosh it will be! Thank goodness we have Ness, because the translations she can do are going to make this all so much easier for us all, and it is going to increase the learning of the kids ten fold. Now I can ask them to draw pictures of their families and homes, I can explain to them complex exercises that simply demand verbal understanding, so 19 kids may be a handful, but with Ness here, I think it is going to be awesome! And only 5 days until we begin! I cant wait for the term to start, I really cant! I miss our kids! Although, it is very scary to think that Percy and Siyabonga are going to be our top of the class students. Hopefully they get high off the fact that they know more than the other kids and start to evolve into the new Charlotte and Grace's.

The days seem to keep on getting faster and faster. I dunno why, but I do the animals in the morning, and before I know it, it is time to do them in the evening again. Why is time moving so fast! Only 19 more days on the farm now :( What am I going to do when I get back to England?????? I have no idea, but most likely freeze to death..... Anyhoo, I am going to go watch a movie and then head off to bed I think! Lekker Slaap all! Night night xxxxx

Sunday 5 January 2014

"Ali, you smell....."

Well, today we have had Margaret, Willem, Declan and Francois leave us today! They were only here for a few days but I am gonna miss little Francois. Margaret said that before he came here he said "I LOVE that lady" haha, and he is so sweet. Margaret was joking that the Boer husband I will end up with will be Francois in twenty years time haha. My prospects are looking so bright hahahaha. But we had a lekker last day with them, we took them and the guests Bev and her daughter Natasha to the Lydenburg animal reservation and did a bit of 4x4 action driving in Blue Bull. It was an awesome day, apart from when Ali goes "oh, look at that", so Danie stops the car and we see Ali disappear into the bush and reemerge with the gigantic skull of some kind of Eland or big deer. She was sure that it was completely dry and we were all set to have it in the car to take it home when goo started oozing out of it onto her and the delightful smell of sick drifted through the car. I have never seen little kids move so fast in my whole life, they high tailed it from the front into the back with me in lightening time, leaving Ali with deer brains leaking everywhere. Thank goodness for Margaret and her handy carrying of wet wipes. So in the end Ali strapped the skull to the front of the car and we carried on. Sadly, the smell of decomposing animal brains lingered, and Ali had to spend the rest of the day down wind from us bahahaha and this is from the vegetarian! hahahaha ah funny times.

After, we went to the visit the Welgemoed family so that Danie could say goodbye to them since he leaves tomorrow! I know I keep saying this, but man, I cant believe his two and a half weeks here is up already. His flight is tomorrow at 4 from Nelspruit, so we are all heading out there, I must go because I need to get my new VISA stamp in my passport so I am not an illegal alien and can leave the country at the end of the month, plus I am happy because I love the drive to Nelspruit through the mountains, and fingers crossed, Woolworths the posh food shop has got my feta salad in and chocolate brownies nom nom nom. But yes, it is goodbyes all round at the minute and it always gets me a little down..... On the bright side, a past volunteer called Lisa is in the country and we are organizing for her to come to the farm from this Friday for three weeks. I cannot wait to meet her, I have her as a friend on facebook and she looks pretty damn cool.

And in the evening we said goodbye to the fam and then it was time to do animals, then take Natasha out on a ride on Mandla. Man it is hot at the minute, it is ridiculous, it makes me soooo lazy! But anyways, I need to go and sleep for our full day ttomorrow. Lekker Slaap xxxxx

Saturday 4 January 2014

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, Sad goodbyes, and Shoots to Stardom

Hello Hello!
I have been the worst blogger in the world, and it was only partially my fault that you havent had your daily dose of Yellow Mongoose You see, Ali and her daughter Noogs both got the new iphone 5s before Christmas and they updated them on the computer, and with our internet, it completely swallowed all our usage and we were left without internet for about 12 days. Now, it is my own fault for not having posted on the 1st January when I could, and I am very sorry, my only excuse is that I just got out of the habit of writing and taking my camera with me everywhere! But I promise, for the remainder of my time here, you shall have a post every day! And oh my gosh, I cannot believe I only have 25 days left! :( The time has flown by. It is like that feeling you get at the end of the school holidays and you are packing your bag again for the new term and you could have sworn it was only yesterday that you broke up for the holls!

I have loooots of news to share with you all. First of all, Christmas was lovely here. We had Ali's daughter Noogs here, who is without a doubt, the coolest person I have ever met, she was friggen hilarious! She brought her friend Ceri, who was just mint, and then we had Danie's son Toni here with his girlfriend Charlene.We had such a mint time over Christmas, it was just constant Braii's and hanging out on the veranda in our shorts. Which felt especially amazing since I know just how cold it is back home! BUT when the time comes for me to go home, I am prepared, as the wonderful Welgemoed family gifted me with an awesomely cozy beanie hat, with "South Africa" stitched on it, along with some beautiful bangles, neclace and earrings. They are such a mint family! For Christmas from Ali I received possibly the best present in the whole world. I mean really, she got me a picture book of my time here, with all the photos of me doing all my crazy stuff with the animals and the kids. It was such an amazing present that I am going to treasure forever. It really is amazing, and it must have taken her hours and hours and HOURS to get that thing ready!

I also received some tasty biltong, but unfortunately this was pilfered by a hungry Noogs, but it is cool coz I ate most of her chocolate  santas anyway haha. After those guys left we were visited by Danie's other son Niel, and his girlfriend Elisha, which was cool, we all celebrated Danie's birthday together, but unfortunately it rained the whole friggen day, so in the end we hoped in the car and went to Spur instead. We all discretely told the waiters that it was Danie's 55th birthday and to do something special, so at the end of the meal about 2O waiters all came out with ice cream singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN!" Haha, it was hilarious.

Anyway, on the 1st day of the year, 2O14! We had the most awesome day. We went 4x4ing in Blue Bull and Johnnie Welgemoeed's  new Land Cruiser, which I got to drive. It was SO AMAZING! We went up literally vertical hills and it was the scariest and most fun thing I have ever done! Best start to the year! And then we had a braii and messed around on the quad bikes teehee, so gooood.

On the 2nd of January, after MONTHS of planning, me and Ali decided to finally do our "pothole" shoot. So I armed myself with my rubber duck, glass of wine, book, shampoo, towel, and shower cap and I went bathing in one of our nations great potholes haha. It was hilarious, and some of the looks I got from passers by were priceless, you could just see in their faces them saying "darling, we are never leaving the city ever again". Lmaoo! And the most exciting news is, we took those photos on Wednesday and today it is Saturday and I am all over the front page of the Saturday Star, South Africa's national newspaper AND in the Cape Town paper! It is crazy! We have been having texts and calls all day from people who have seen it all over the country and wanted to ask about it! We even had the radio station comment! It is absolutely crazy! So I have officially had my five minutes of fame in the South African sun. And I am now planning on wearing my shower cap around Johannesburg before my flight in the hopes I might get recognised haha.

In other news, which is so, so, so, so sad, Charles, Ali's great dane had to be put down yesterday. He was peaceful in the house he knew as it happened, and he has been buried behind the dam in the garden. He had been diagnosed with bone cancer about 3 weeks ago and the vet said there was no hope. Making the decision to let him go was so hard for Ali. I felt so sorry for her, and my heart did break for both her and Charles. He was such a good dog, and I cant believe he isnt around any more. He was so loveable. I am just happy that he will never be in pain again  and he is at peace. It was such a hard day :( One of the sweetest things though, on the grave where he was buried, the farm workers Marcus and Simon wrote "rest in peace, buried by the gentleman simon and marcus, we will always remember you, lala kasle" It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. But such a nice thing to do.

And at the minute we have Danie's daughter Margaret, her husband Willem, and their children Declan and Francois here with us at the minute until tomorrow. Francois has grown so much and can now speak really good English. Which is impressive considering two months ago he would just talk to me in Afrikaans and I would just nod and smile and go "hmmmm yes", heavens knows what I said yes to him about, haha! And then Danie leaves on Monday to go back to Dubaii. We have not stopped here on the farm for about three weeks it is crazy! But yes, that is your catch up and I promise to be more diligent with my posting from now on! Lekker Slaap everyone!!!!!!!!!

Monday 16 December 2013

Hello Goodbye

Hello Goodbye

Sorry for the absence again guys, but in the Christmas/pony camp rush, we have all been on the go constantly. The weather for pony camp has been truly abysmal and as per usual, as soon as the kids got in the car to go home, literally in that moment, the sun came out, and it has been bright and sunny ever since. What an absolute bummer! But we still had an awesome time though. On the last day Ali drove us all up to Forest Creek and we went on a four hour hike to the waterfalls. It was sooo beautiful and the forest felt like a real rainforest. I felt like I was in a Lara Croft game. Although, we found out later that somehow we had gone to the wrong waterfall, and the one we should have gone to was a huge one where we can swim....damn. But still, it was awesome! Had a great day. Saying goodbye to Stephan, Marli and Kasey was sad. They are all so full of life and bubbly in their own ways. They were hard work but I really was sad to see them go! And I cant believe how empty the house feels without them!

The Gitzner family with their donations for the school

But, living on a guest farm means that every time you are saying goodbye, you are inevitably saying hello to someone else. On the Friday that the kids all left camp, we were welcomed by the Gitzner family from Dubai! The Mum and Dad, Karin and Frederick, their nine year old daughter Gabriella, and Fredericks son, Armarie. They arrived late on the Friday night with their two friends and their two children, so a big group. Karin, Frederick, Gabriella, and Armarie are all here for three weeks, so they will be with us over Christmas and New Year! They are such a wonderful family, on the Saturday night they invited Edith and I to join them for a braii and we got to know eachother. Karin is a joburg girl and from South Africa, as are their friends, so I was very happy to hear them tell me that I had easily adopted a lot of the South African mannerisms. For example I always say “yar” instead of “yes”, I now use the phrase “aw shame” (very South African), if I am leaving I say “See you now now” (and as Edith says, saying this can technically mean “see you never”, haha), and if someone thanks you for anything I now say “pleasure”. I am also hand feeding my injured Rock Kestrel, Hope, every day, so I want to know what else I have to do before I get my South African Citizens badge, because you dont get more of a bush girlany where else!

But yes, the braii was beautiful, braii'd meat is honestly the best thing ever and it certainly was an improvement on the pasta I was going to make for us! The family are really awesome. Frederick works as a hotel manager, Karin works as a teacher, Armarie is studying Hospitality at Port Alfred here in South Africa, and Gabriella is of course at school haha. As Karin is a teacher, and since the whole family is very much into giving back to the community, they were very interested in the school and even brought all these fabulous paints, pencils, scissors, etc for the kids! Which was really lovely of them, and I am positive they will come in use.

And now on to the sad part of my blog. 1. Edith left the farm to go back to Germany this morning, and 2. last night, our goat Tammy (the goat that was shot in the jaw and therefore has her tongue sticking out) went into labour yesterday at 11am and at 9pm last night, exhausted nad knackered, she finally gave birth to her baby, which Ali had to pull out of her, but it was just too late and we lost the baby. So, Edith's last night was not the best one I have to say. It was just so terrible, we all thought that maybe she had had a fake pregnancy, because us and the Gitzner family sat for hours on Sunday watching her from a distance and nothing happened. But literally, the moment we all sat down for dinner last night, we heard the screams of Tammy coming from the stable and we all rushed out. Gosh, it was so sad. The baby was so perfect. But he was already gone before we could do anything. The labour was too long and exhausting for her. Poor Tammy, she was so tired that in between pushing she would fall asleep, but she cried for that baby, cleaning it, and nuzzling it, doing everything she could to get it to wake up. It was so heart breaking. It really was. At this very moment I am writing my blog from the stables where I am watching over her until Ali gets back from dropping Edith off at the Bushveld taxi. It is so sad to see her so distressed, crying for her little one....we are debating putting her in with the baby goats Uli and Rosie, since their mum died they have had to be surrogated onto other mums, who hate them. But we are hoping that Tammy might be so desperate to be able to mother something that she might go for it and it might offer her some comfort.

I can't believe Edith has gone. I really can't. One moment me and Ali were waiting for her and her family to arrive in the dark over at the cottage, and the next minute she is off and away. She was really one of the sweetest girls ever, always willing to lend a hand, always happy to help. And when I got to know her she was so hilarious as well, and I have to admit it, a much better pool player than me haha, although that isnt saying much as I suck at pool! But, seriously, where has this time gone. Where did those six weeks go? In fact, where has the last five months gone? Now I can see why people can do whole gap years away from home, I always thought that was too long, but now I see that the time just flies by.

In other news, our volunteer who was meant to be joining us for 8 weeks from 16th January, Nadia, has dropped out of coming! Apparently South Africa has too much of a dodgy reputation. I mean I can understand it kind of, what with the fiasco of the interpreter the other day.....but still, I cant believe she isnt coming! I mean, we arent really in a lot of trouble since Ali is now emplying Ness, one of our kids Thando's mother, to come work at the school, and the next volunteer Karna arrives the day after I leave. So, essentially, it doesnt matter, but I am a bit concerned that I wont have any time with any volunteer to show them the timetable and system that we work to here. I may have to start writing a guide for Karina so that she has something to follow when she is lost, because all the volunteers have been taught by the previous volunteer, so it is a bit of a bummer that I get no time with them, but never mind! Que sera sera! Everything happens for a reason right ?

So, all in all, that is the news from here on the Lydenrust farm. Tomorrow we have Ali's daughter Noogs arriving with her dog for the Christmas festivities, we have the staff Christmas party on Thursday, Danie arrives from Dubai on Friday, and I think his son Toni arrives next Monday with his girlfriend Charlene. So it is going to be a busy week of hectic comings and goings with lots of Christmas activities going on and people coming home. I have six weeks left on the farm. I hope it goes slower than Edith's six weeks.....Lekker Slaap everyone, sweet dreams xxxxx

Tuesday 10 December 2013

pony camp continued...


So, I said I would up date you all on what happened yesterday. Well, first of all I took Stephan and Kasey out on a little ride to build up their confidence. I took Kasey in the ring first and got her to practice walking and controlling the horse. She was riding Duncan and man he was being na ughty for her. Horses know when there is an inexperienced rider on their backs, and boy do they play up to it! He was being very naughty and lazy, but as soon as I got on him he behaved! In the words of one of our kids, Liesbeth, “naughty pony!”. Anyway, after the ring work we headed out on our little ride round the forest. Marley went with Edith and Ali because she has a lot more confidence on horse back. But I was very proud of my two, they trotted and everything without any screams haha.

After, we decided to take the dogs out and stopped off at the big dam on the mountain where we swam with the dogs, it was so much fun! I jumped in so many times, swam to the bottom and did handstands in the water. It was like being a kid again, messing around in the water. And the dogs loved it, they were having a whale of a time! When we had swam all we could, we came back and we set up the tents for our evenings camping. I am so proud of my awesome tent making ability! I have found my calling in life, and it is setting up tents! I didnt need any help and I didnt need to call Ali for any help muhahaha. I may suck at DIY and painting, but I knew there was a master outdoorsman inside of me ! After I made lunches for everyone ready for our hike up to the top of the mountain overshadowing the Lydenrust Farm. We headed up and unfortunately Marleys knee started hurting so Marley and Kasey headed back after our little lunch by the graveyard and me, Edith, and Stephan headed up. Man it was hard! The climb up there at the end is a killer on the legs! Stephan wanted to turn back a lot but Edith and I started singing “I like to move it, move it” from Madagascar at the top of our lungs until he either a. got motivated, or b. was so disturbed by our voices that he decided to keep going! Haha, probably the latter....

But boy, it was worth it! The view from the top was incredible! And the best is yet to come! When we reached the top, Edith looked down and was all shocked, I came over to see what she was talking about and she had found an injured Rock Kestrel! It was so beautiful! There was definitely something wrong and so I decided to catch it, which I did, with great success and we discovered it had an injured wing and could not fly. So, we headed down the mountain and showed Ali. We took him to a falconer near by and we found out that a vet would cost R8,2OO to try and fix the wing and that in most cases, the bird wont survive. So we got advice about what the bird eats and we took him back to the farm and put him into the aviary, where he still is now. I have been feeding him ever since on raw chicken. He has really gotten into it and he is such a beautiful bird. I wistle to him when I feed him and he doesnt nip my fingers at all, he just takes the meat! I feel like I am in the world of Harry potter, and this is now my letter carrier, like Hedwig haha, I am so cool!

In the evening we had a lekker braii at Brumby House with chicken and sausage while playing Battleship, Mastermind, and pool. It was so friggen cool, except when it came to start camping and it began chucking it down with rain....and suddenly no one wanted to camp any more! I was all for staying and toughing it but the rain got even worse and eventually even Stephan and I gave in and trudged back to the house. I have to admit, a warm comfy bed with dry pillows was a lot more appealing than a half flooded tent..... And thus the end of Monday arrived. I slept like an absolute log, as soon as my head touched the pillow I was out for the count!


I was out for the count last night, but ohhhhh I did not want to get out of bed this morning! Although, I was surprisingly full of energy after my coffee. The weather was terrible, and has remained so ALL day! It is like God wants us to have a bad pony camp because the weather clears up and goes back to sunny on Friday.....when pony camp ends! Grggggrrrrr! But it didnt stop us from heading out on a ride this morning. Just for a little walk, but still, we got out there regardless! After, Ali said that because of the weather we were going to have a road trip, to try and drive out of this bad weather and go somewhere nice. So we packed our lunches and headed out to the house that looked like a shoe, and the echo caves! It was such a nice day, it really was. We drove and drove and eventually came to our first pit stop where we had an ice cream and visited this awesome shop which sold wood furniture, which sounds boring but the stuff was so incredible! They had this table that takes a whole year to make out of one piece of wood. But it cost R12O,OOO which is around £8,OOO in English money! That is absolutely insane, especially if you could see where this shop was! It is in this little town, populated by poor farmers who earn R1,OOO a month, and the town constitutes of a garage, a police station, and a very pretentious furniture shop. Although, I have said that if I win the lottery that I will buy Ali the table haha.

After we headed to the Shoe, which was cool but it was a bit weird, and slightly creepy as it was filled full with old dolls which always creep me out....and oddly, even though the place was very religious with pictures of Jesus everywhere, it had a very graphic naked sculpture of a naked woman in the bedroom, which was just a little bit strange! Needless to say we didnt stay for long, but it was fun.

After, we went to the Echo caves which were soooo cool! They were used as a hide out by these tribespeople to hide from the Swazis and we were shown all the graveyards, kitchens and bedrooms, and the alarm section. If you hit the rock with a hammer, the sound travels for miles.

And this evening we are having another pool tournament and the kids want to try camping again but we will see how that goes......because the rain is getting even harder! I am so tired now so I will update you all tomorrow, Lekker Slaap everyone xxxxxx

Monday 9 December 2013

Mountain climbing and Kestrel rescue!

Hope, our injured Rock kestrel, we found her at the top of the mountain ! She is soo awesome!

Hello! Oh my gosh I am once again so tired! But the good kind of tired after a really good, action packed day. I cant say much as I have a bunch of kids who are this moment camping oover at Brumby House as we speak, and if I leave them for too long, who knows what they will do, or burn down, or break!

We have had such a busy day, we have had trail rides, mountain climbs, braii, and tonight we are camping! It has been so good and I promise I will write about it all tomorrow when I have set them up with a movie and I can slip away to write this bad boy. Lekker Slaap all, I know I am going to be sleeping like a log haha xxxx