Hello Hello!
I have been the worst blogger in the world, and it was only partially my fault that you havent had your daily dose of Yellow Mongoose You see, Ali and her daughter Noogs both got the new iphone 5s before Christmas and they updated them on the computer, and with our internet, it completely swallowed all our usage and we were left without internet for about 12 days. Now, it is my own fault for not having posted on the 1st January when I could, and I am very sorry, my only excuse is that I just got out of the habit of writing and taking my camera with me everywhere! But I promise, for the remainder of my time here, you shall have a post every day! And oh my gosh, I cannot believe I only have 25 days left! :( The time has flown by. It is like that feeling you get at the end of the school holidays and you are packing your bag again for the new term and you could have sworn it was only yesterday that you broke up for the holls!
I have loooots of news to share with you all. First of all, Christmas was lovely here. We had Ali's daughter Noogs here, who is without a doubt, the coolest person I have ever met, she was friggen hilarious! She brought her friend Ceri, who was just mint, and then we had Danie's son Toni here with his girlfriend Charlene.We had such a mint time over Christmas, it was just constant Braii's and hanging out on the veranda in our shorts. Which felt especially amazing since I know just how cold it is back home! BUT when the time comes for me to go home, I am prepared, as the wonderful Welgemoed family gifted me with an awesomely cozy beanie hat, with "South Africa" stitched on it, along with some beautiful bangles, neclace and earrings. They are such a mint family! For Christmas from Ali I received possibly the best present in the whole world. I mean really, she got me a picture book of my time here, with all the photos of me doing all my crazy stuff with the animals and the kids. It was such an amazing present that I am going to treasure forever. It really is amazing, and it must have taken her hours and hours and HOURS to get that thing ready!
I also received some tasty biltong, but unfortunately this was pilfered by a hungry Noogs, but it is cool coz I ate most of her chocolate santas anyway haha. After those guys left we were visited by Danie's other son Niel, and his girlfriend Elisha, which was cool, we all celebrated Danie's birthday together, but unfortunately it rained the whole friggen day, so in the end we hoped in the car and went to Spur instead. We all discretely told the waiters that it was Danie's 55th birthday and to do something special, so at the end of the meal about 2O waiters all came out with ice cream singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUPERMAN!" Haha, it was hilarious.

Anyway, on the 1st day of the year, 2O14! We had the most awesome day. We went 4x4ing in Blue Bull and Johnnie Welgemoeed's new Land Cruiser, which I got to drive. It was SO AMAZING! We went up literally vertical hills and it was the scariest and most fun thing I have ever done! Best start to the year! And then we had a braii and messed around on the quad bikes teehee, so gooood.

On the 2nd of January, after MONTHS of planning, me and Ali decided to finally do our "pothole" shoot. So I armed myself with my rubber duck, glass of wine, book, shampoo, towel, and shower cap and I went bathing in one of our nations great potholes haha. It was hilarious, and some of the looks I got from passers by were priceless, you could just see in their faces them saying "darling, we are never leaving the city ever again". Lmaoo! And the most exciting news is, we took those photos on Wednesday and today it is Saturday and I am all over the front page of the Saturday Star, South Africa's national newspaper AND in the Cape Town paper! It is crazy! We have been having texts and calls all day from people who have seen it all over the country and wanted to ask about it! We even had the radio station comment! It is absolutely crazy! So I have officially had my five minutes of fame in the South African sun. And I am now planning on wearing my shower cap around Johannesburg before my flight in the hopes I might get recognised haha.

In other news, which is so, so, so, so sad, Charles, Ali's great dane had to be put down yesterday. He was peaceful in the house he knew as it happened, and he has been buried behind the dam in the garden. He had been diagnosed with bone cancer about 3 weeks ago and the vet said there was no hope. Making the decision to let him go was so hard for Ali. I felt so sorry for her, and my heart did break for both her and Charles. He was such a good dog, and I cant believe he isnt around any more. He was so loveable. I am just happy that he will never be in pain again and he is at peace. It was such a hard day :( One of the sweetest things though, on the grave where he was buried, the farm workers Marcus and Simon wrote "rest in peace, buried by the gentleman simon and marcus, we will always remember you, lala kasle" It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen. But such a nice thing to do.

And at the minute we have Danie's daughter Margaret, her husband Willem, and their children Declan and Francois here with us at the minute until tomorrow. Francois has grown so much and can now speak really good English. Which is impressive considering two months ago he would just talk to me in Afrikaans and I would just nod and smile and go "hmmmm yes", heavens knows what I said yes to him about, haha! And then Danie leaves on Monday to go back to Dubaii. We have not stopped here on the farm for about three weeks it is crazy! But yes, that is your catch up and I promise to be more diligent with my posting from now on! Lekker Slaap everyone!!!!!!!!!
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