Sunday 5 January 2014

"Ali, you smell....."

Well, today we have had Margaret, Willem, Declan and Francois leave us today! They were only here for a few days but I am gonna miss little Francois. Margaret said that before he came here he said "I LOVE that lady" haha, and he is so sweet. Margaret was joking that the Boer husband I will end up with will be Francois in twenty years time haha. My prospects are looking so bright hahahaha. But we had a lekker last day with them, we took them and the guests Bev and her daughter Natasha to the Lydenburg animal reservation and did a bit of 4x4 action driving in Blue Bull. It was an awesome day, apart from when Ali goes "oh, look at that", so Danie stops the car and we see Ali disappear into the bush and reemerge with the gigantic skull of some kind of Eland or big deer. She was sure that it was completely dry and we were all set to have it in the car to take it home when goo started oozing out of it onto her and the delightful smell of sick drifted through the car. I have never seen little kids move so fast in my whole life, they high tailed it from the front into the back with me in lightening time, leaving Ali with deer brains leaking everywhere. Thank goodness for Margaret and her handy carrying of wet wipes. So in the end Ali strapped the skull to the front of the car and we carried on. Sadly, the smell of decomposing animal brains lingered, and Ali had to spend the rest of the day down wind from us bahahaha and this is from the vegetarian! hahahaha ah funny times.

After, we went to the visit the Welgemoed family so that Danie could say goodbye to them since he leaves tomorrow! I know I keep saying this, but man, I cant believe his two and a half weeks here is up already. His flight is tomorrow at 4 from Nelspruit, so we are all heading out there, I must go because I need to get my new VISA stamp in my passport so I am not an illegal alien and can leave the country at the end of the month, plus I am happy because I love the drive to Nelspruit through the mountains, and fingers crossed, Woolworths the posh food shop has got my feta salad in and chocolate brownies nom nom nom. But yes, it is goodbyes all round at the minute and it always gets me a little down..... On the bright side, a past volunteer called Lisa is in the country and we are organizing for her to come to the farm from this Friday for three weeks. I cannot wait to meet her, I have her as a friend on facebook and she looks pretty damn cool.

And in the evening we said goodbye to the fam and then it was time to do animals, then take Natasha out on a ride on Mandla. Man it is hot at the minute, it is ridiculous, it makes me soooo lazy! But anyways, I need to go and sleep for our full day ttomorrow. Lekker Slaap xxxxx

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